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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Apparently, since Axl "delayed" the start of the show by two hours (or so), the concert ended at around 2am. Nothing like enduring a restless crowd waiting for a bloated idiot and his glorified cover band to go through the motions.
  2. Ya, I'm with you there, but maybe one of my family will get together and "suprise" me with the box-set. If not, I'm all over the CD.
  3. I never got into it, but I admire that it offered a new style.
  4. I think I'll ask for the whole box-set for my birthday, but I'll settle for either the DVD or live CD. The Molson Amphitheatre show from this tour ranks as one of my all-time favourites. The CD track list looks pretty good, although I'm no fan of Blue Orchid.
  5. And their warm-up act, the Argos, are almost as funny.
  6. Although it's coming to an end since founder/producer Dave Shore is leaving for the UK, the sketch improv comedy troupe, Monkey Toast, still has a number of shows coming up in the next few months. I recommend the January 31st show at the Gladstone. Monkey Toast has some of the best comics in the city and the show is a riot on most nights. http://www.monkeytoast.com/blog/ Another great comedy venue for improv is Bad Dog Theatre on The Danforth (just east of Broadview, beside The Black Swan): http://www.baddogtheatre.com/modules/news/ Every Wednesday for 13 years is the Open Mic Night at Spirit's Bar & Grill at Church Street, just south of Bloor. It's well worth checking out. Many of the top standup comics in Canada try out their material there on a weekly basis. Sometimes big names take the stage unannounced. I caught Robin Williams' surprise gig a few years ago (the following week Lewis Black did a routine). Scott Thompson checks in from time-to-time. It starts at around 8pm.
  7. If Turkoglu were having only an average season, the Raps would be 5-6 games over .500. Here's hoping he picks it up in the second-half.
  8. Home users are a lot different than commercial users. see below: Sure there's potential to bloat, but the issue of PC viruses is almost exclusively a Windows issue. Of course it occurs infrequently on Mac and other OS platforms, but it's a problem that is mostly one-sided and the problem shouldn't have to be on the end user. 'something free at the cost of others'? Quit being such a drama queen. The issue isn't about me being a cheapskate or having contempt for modern economics, it's about viruses being a nuisance and hassle for home computer users. Illegal music, TV, and film downloads? I think they're part of the system now and it's only a matter of time before everything works together properly, with media being the business card of any successful and aspiring act. I am a proponent of hard copy media, but it is such a grey issue that the system hasn't adapted enough to even begin to address effectively that the issue being brought up in an antivirus software for free thread seems really petty. 'free comes at a price' I assert that the COSTS of this so-called 'freedom' are the issue, not price. Look at the response as being an unnecessary distinction or not, but I see it as a very important one. The price of nearly every consumer good or service doesn't reflect the costs involved to produce, maintain, or dispose of said good or service. I think it's far more fitting to say 'cheaper comes at a price', or 'convenience comes at a price'. Already, my comment that providing quality antivirus software should be the responsibility of someone other than the end user has cost me. But of course, that's the price I've paid. Maybe the torture could be having to answer to people on some messageboard for something that is a realistically justified position. At least on paper, I'm a fairly well educated guy, but still, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Methinks you are a downloader that rationalizes everything: "Well, it should be free since it's a dying medium/it should be free since it's all going this way anyway" etc... Whatever dude.
  9. I wonder what YT thinks of illegal music, TV. film downloads? Free comes at a price.
  10. Taggers don't have any skills and their motives aren't the same as common graffiti artists.
  11. Sure, people shoot their own footage all the time. Some news departments such as CNN encourage it. I wish some of those sick fucks that shot footage of a dying Jane Creba would turn in their footage so they could help solve the case. Editing, however, is a skill. If you didn't have editors and a vision or mandate, news would resemble one messy and tedious wedding video. That being said, talent is talent and I like it when individuals think outside the box to create something fresh. But TV production isn't easy, nor is telling stories that are informative and occassionally entertain.
  12. It doesn't cost much to run a HD internet program and download video - and even edit the material - from a personal video camera. However, a real HD hand-held video camera costs from 35 to 50Gs. A control room runs into the millions. So, would you prefer news shot gonzo by your neighbour?
  13. HD is a career killer for sure, especially for pre-op hosts.
  14. All true Dave. I'm on night shifts so forgive my blurring of bad Kingston radio with cheap Kingston TV. However, CKWS hadn't really changed much in 40 years, which is good and bad (their 60-minute 6pm local newscast is idiotic though).
  15. I believe this porn-addicted idiot is still employed doing the A-Channel breakfast newscasts:
  16. Broadcasting in HD comes down to CRTC regulations and, you guessed it, money and resources. Not too many local newscasts are in HD - and for that matter - and not many stations in general offer HD. Even last year, the local CTV newscasts in Toronto broadcast in HD but the national CTV news with Lloyd Robertson (which immediately follows the local telecast) was in standard format. I find this odd. Do you think a poor station such as CKLC in Kingston will switch to HD? Not bloody likely. It can literally cost millions, but "channels in a box" such as Space and Bravo can switch to HD and will in the near future simply because they don't have to build HD control rooms (Citytv invested over two million to build just one control room - and they have two more, but not HD).
  17. Hey, I'm not defending the quality of the A-Channel's telecasts. CTV cheapened that station when they took it over (Ottawa's A master control is located in the suite next to where I work, so I tune in from time to time). It's the overall big picture with local news that I'm sad and disgusted about. Also, I don't think bouche even knows who Max "My brother is a Kingston Penn con" Keeping is. I also think he's pretty bad, even when he was in his "prime".
  18. I'd want the punishment to be the same for this basement-dwelling computer loser as I would with graffiti taggers: Cut off a finger and if you do it again, you lose a hand.
  19. And he had a good 4th quarter compared to the other 3. The Raps got out-D'd.
  20. The Internet is a cheap and unreliable source for news, especially investigative reporting. Bloggers and blogs aren't reliable either. Right now, there's no money for news producers on the Internet.
  21. For you: A-Channel Ottawa, CBC Ottawa, Global, CJOH (I'm surprised you aren't still wearing a black armband in support of Max Keeping retiring).
  22. yeah' date=' I don't think it's a lead story anywhere other than entertainment news sites like TMZ or Gawker. hell, even Conan is taking time to point out that the late night fiasco is silly compared to real news like Haiti's devastation. He's asking people to donate, but unfortunately he's directing his audience to Ben Stiller's http://stillerstrong.org/ but I guess it's better than nothing. [/quote'] It's as good a site as any for donations, and the money goes directly to the people. Ben has been active in Haiti and his site works in partnership with Save The Children. Ben should be commended instead of ridiculed.
  23. I find nothing wrong with your articles for 24. It's actually hard being fair in promoing bands you don't like or know too well.
  24. Mike, just because you don't watch local newscasts doesn't mean this holds true for the rest of the country. Think about the other cities in Canada that rely and need a local face to their newscasts. God forbid there'll be newscasts that suit your personal tastes and enjoyment factor. Regardless, dying local TV is a national tragedy.
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