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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. "Who's laughing NOW!!!???"
  2. And if you wash your woman's clothes and are unsure about drying certain items, just hang them to dry. Oh yeah, making the bed earns plenty of easy brownie-points.
  3. I missed the show last night, but it's cool that Dave puts exlusice live stuff on his website: http://lateshow.cbs.com/latenight/lateshow/live/index/php/936096.phtml?play=1
  4. I wouldn't say he "fizzled". Adam was just starting his career and 24 is a kid in baseball. His career record was 8-8, and it was plagued with arm injuries. Too bad he wasn't healthy because he would have looked good on Team Canada's upcoming World staff. I think you are missing the point of my original post. This is a feel good or root for the underdog kind of story and he's a Canadian kid, so I find it interesting - the highest Canadian ever drafted. If you've seen him pitch, especially in his rookie year, then you know that seeing him have arm injuries is sad. I hope he makes it the Bigs someday, but I doubt he'll ever be a star if he does.
  5. They are on right now, but the show repeats tonight at 8pm on channel 15 and on SunHD. FYI, Beautiful Noise is a concert TV program filmed at the Berkeley Church in Toronto, the same show and place where MMJ performed back in March. Just a few things I've noticed: a bad decision to go to commercial break during a instrumental jams, especially "Poor Black Maddie"; the song keys have "questionable" song title information too; Luther was a notch out of key during his 2-3 minute slide solo on "Skinny Woman"; the crowd is seated, which is something I've personally never seen at a NMA show; the boys have had better nights - they are singing and playing out of key; maybe it has something to do with the sermon-like atmosphere eminating from the audience.
  6. That was a big hit, but the best check of the night (and same game taboot) came from Wideman on Stajan.
  7. The song that jumps out at me is "Naked Eye". It remains one of the best live songs in their canon. They don't do it too much post-Moon. How did it sound post-Moon/Ox? I doubt it was Isle of Wight-esque.
  8. Because of his contract, if they wanted him, they had to sign him to a long-term pro deal, so they let him go. The ESPN announcer on Prime Time Sports told McCown that Baltimore really wanted to keep him, but couldn't make the long-term commitment, so they released him. Toronto got Loewen for basically nothing, signing him to a minor league two-year contract. I'm pulling for the kid, but if he makes it to the Bigs as a hitter, it will be pretty amazing story.
  9. The Jays picked up Canadian ex-pitcher Adam Loewen from Baltimore, who is going to try to convert to a hitter/fielder since his arm is shot. He's 24 and was a good hitter in college before the Orioles made him into a standout pitcher. Word is that he has a better upside at this point of the conversion than Rick Ankiel did, since he was never known as a hitter.
  10. Have a great day MB! 39 years young and reigning Miss Miramichi all in one!
  11. Two bone-crushing (and glass-shattering) hits against Leaf players tonight via Dennis Wideman and Milan Lucic respectively, with no retaliation.
  12. A little wager: When will Roger's voice start to give out? I'm saying song seven or eight.
  13. I caught Ray at the Danforth Music Hall back in February. Great show. Nice pacing jumping from old to new tunes. The band is tight, sounding like the early 80's harder rock Kinks.
  14. Have a great birthday week. Try to milk the big day up to and including the DBT/HS show.
  15. I hope they release the album. It's been in the can for years. Their "band" is called The Late Jimmy Marvelous.
  16. Charting on Jambands.com's radio charts doesn't count for having hits.
  17. Dik Van Dykes! Great garage punk band, wow haven't thought about them in ages. I knew Steve from the Dik Van Dykes (only socially though eg: shows, record store he worked at etc). I think I still have a copy of "Nobody Likes The Dik Van Dykes" (on vinyl) somewhere around here, although I doubt it plays all to well now-a-days. Both Stu and Steve are friends of mine; so is Steve's girlfriend. Steve is the manager (regional I think too) of the HMV superstore at Yonge and Dundas, but he's still a Hamilton guy all the way. Steve and Stu reformed and recorded an album with one of their friends on vocals and another one on bass. I played "guest" lead guitar on the record. The album is very old-school punk with some ska, but hasn't been released. It's pretty good.
  18. Muller was a fine player for both New Jersey and Montreal and an excellent role player for Dallas. "Gilly" is an unsavorary character, especially where babysitters are concerned.
  19. My old roommate Stu (I lived with the drunken lout from 1998-2003) will be devastated. Stu is the former drummer of the 80's Hamilton punk-new wave band The Dik Van Dykes. His heroes are Joe Strummer, Joey Ramone and Hamilton punk.
  20. I didn't know you wrote that. I haven't read your interview yet but will later today. I'm putting in to review their new album at my next meeting (which is tonight).
  21. Along with The Forgotten Rebels, D.O.A. and Nomeansno (and a few others), Teenage Head were one of the most important Canadian/Hamilton punk bands of their era, especially on this side of the country. Sad news indeed. High school concerts wouldn't have been the same without Teenage Head.
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