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Everything posted by KarinGarage

  1. if anyone gets any more invites, may i have one pretty please?
  2. fuck yeah! happy belated birthday!!
  3. thanks everyone! wow, you guys sure managed to find some real flattering photos of me! awesome! hope to see ya'll soon!
  4. i don't know how it works in canada, but I don't think they can fire you for missing work because of an illness, they're required ot give you at least a 3 month medical leave. of course, they're not required to pay you for those 3 months. sorry to hear about your health. is your auto-immune system attacking other parts of your body as well? I hope everything works out for you. (((((good vibes)))))
  5. I have to work all weekend. But what night is the party, just in case I can get the night off? Miss you, Kerbear! we need to get together soon!
  6. i could use an invite,too, please!
  7. yeah , i think he can sue, although he still has criminal charges against him as of right now.
  8. he's awake now and in stable condition and able to tell his side of the story. Neil had recently gotten a new prescription for aderol, which he has abused in the past and sought treatment for addiction to it. I believe the fact that a doctor would prescribe a guy a drug that he has a history of abusing is negligence on the part of the doctor. anyways, his grandma lives in the neighborhood where in incident occured. He had been staying with her a few nights a week because he was borrowing her car. He was pretty messed up the night in question, and trying to sneak in quietly into his grandma's condo so he wouldn't wake her up. unfortunately, he had the wrong condo and now he doesn't have a leg. I also found out that he has no health insurance either to pay for all the medical bills. so, now we know that he was never out to harm anyone or steal anything, which i believed all along. Thanks to everyone who sent out good vibes for him. And thanks to all of you that didn't judge him without his side of the story.
  9. thank you to all of you that care. i haven't heard any new news on his situation.
  10. Neil didnt steal anything and wasn't rummaging through the guy's stuff. the homeowner said that nothing in his house was out of order or missing. the homeowner claims that neil tried to wrestle the gun from him, but nobody knows neil's side of the story because he can't defend himself because he's in a fucking coma. everyone's entiitled to their opinions, i just didn't ask for them. If someone posts to ask for good vibes for a friend that was dying of lung cancer would you feel it necessary to say, "well, they shouldn't have smoked cigarettes and that they deserved cancer?" i feel bad for the homeowner, too, and i am sorry to all of you that have had your home invaded. i feel worse for neil's mom who lost her husband a few years ago and now may lose her only son.
  11. me too, brad, thank you. you kow, a year ago, neil was a paramedic and a firefighter, protecting people and saving lives.
  12. i'm afraid for him and pissed at him at the same time. James had just talked to him on friday and he seemed fine. he had no weapons or burglary tools on him of any kind which makes me think (or atleast wanna believe) that he didn't know what he as doing. I've known the guy since high school and this is really ot like him. I still have a hard time believing he couldve done something like that. and i agree, of course he shouldn't have broken into someone's house, and deserves to be arrested for it, but he doesn't deserve to die. i think going to jail and spending the rest of his life without a leg will be punishment enough.
  13. for a friend of mine that's in a coma after having his leg amputated. he was shot in the leg with a 12 gauge at close range after apparently breaking into someone's house. he really is a good guy, never in a million years would i have guessed he'd try to break into someone's place. he was always really kind and gentle. i assume he was really messed up when he broke in; he had gotten into taking prescription drugs lately. i just hopehe pulls through and gets a chance to straighten his life out.
  14. hope you feel better soon!
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