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Everything posted by KarinGarage

  1. Those prices are absolutely ridiculous, $60 to sit behind the stage?! I'd pay $60 bucks to go, but not for those seats. I can remember seeing the dead at bonaroo, and only play $150 or so for the bonnaroo ticket.
  2. You can, just gotta be sneaky. I find carrying a flask is much more convenient, and yet another reason I wear a helmet!
  3. Out here in colorado, I think everyone should for sure wear one. There's much more dangerous terrain and such around here. But even helmets won't always save you. 2 people in CO so far this year have died from hitting trees while wearing helmets, you can still get severe head and neck injuries, but of course, your chances are much better of surviving with a helmet. It doesn't matter how could a skiier or boarder you are, you could still hit a patch of ice or bump that you can't see and could send you outta control. Plus i think helmets keep your hfead warmer than hats alone! What really surprises me around here is the number of people that go backcountry skiing without the proper equipment... beacons, probes shovels; especially this yera because the avalnche risk is very high this year.
  4. That's good idea! I think I'll do that.
  5. thanks alot for the kind words, I can't help but feel guilty... wish i coulda done somthing... I watched the whole thing go down and she looked at me... worst memory I'll ever have I think. I didn't know what to do really, I didn't have my car near and who do you call, don't think 911 woulda done anything, and I couldn't manage to work my phone anyways, I was shaking so much... i just stopped traffic and carried her to the side of the road and stayed with her till the end which thankfully, for her, wasn't long... don't know what I would of done if she was suffering. Luckily I had good people around who stopped and we all said a prayer for her, to send her spirit to a better place. I feel bad for the couple who hit her, too, they were very upset, but there's nothing they coulda done, they barely had time to hit the brakes at all.
  6. thanks, here's a pic of our baby
  7. She got off her leash today, and was hit by a car. She passed quickly adn didn't suffer, I hope. I sat with her on the side of the road, petting her until she passed. We din't have her long, but we loved her dearly, we gave her the best life we could. I miss her so much
  8. Ditto! also, lake michigan is just a short drive away from the festival. It was great being a ble to go there in the morning and take a dip! It was also easy to get beer and such into the stage area, they never once checked my backpack, I'd just hold my purse open, they'd check that, and they'd let me through. Ooh, and they kept the portapotties clean and well stocked, too! I would definitely go back to Rothbury, even though I live a lot further away now.
  9. I'd be way more interested if they were to headline rothbury rather than B'roo. I thought Rothbury was a much better venue for a big fest, (lots of trees, not as hot, lake michigan close by) and was really well run, especially for its first year.
  10. this is taking place at the hotel I work at!!! "On New Year's Eve, BoomBox moves the party down the road to the Crown Plaza Hotel in the heart of downtown Denver. Hosting their very own late night NYE show destined to be another all night extravaganza, festivities will begin immediately following the Widespread Panic show. The extended BoomBox setwill feature an appearance by the Everyone Orchestra and will no doubt feature several other surprise guests converging upon the Mile High City for the special night. Expect the likes of Melvin Seals, Steve Kimock and members of Hot Buttered Rum as BoomBox jams into the early morning."
  11. easy, buddy... you're cruisin' for a bruisin'!!! not every city can be as cool as K-Dub!
  12. ummm... not really. NLQP is great, but it's not in the same league as burning man.
  13. none for me either, hafta see if James got some when he gets home
  14. Actually they did tell me that. I wondered why someone got rid of her, and the girl that worked there knew the guy.
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