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Everything posted by KarinGarage

  1. someone's been watching youporn! that one's hilarious!
  2. Umm... because it says so right under the photograph. DUH! good one, Ker!!
  3. happy happy day, craig!!! hope to see you soon!!
  4. I don't know how to get the video to show up in the post, so here's the link:
  5. hope you had a happy day!
  6. [quote name=bouche As a smoker' date=' if you observer your own behaviours honestly, you'll see how ridiculous the smoke controls your life. How many times have you as a smoker made your ride go out of their way so you could find an open gas station or corner store to get you a pack of smokes? I've definitely made myself late to work many times because I was outta smokes
  7. oh, by smoking, i meant cigarettes. I still enjoy the ganja, but not nearly as much as i used to. I cut back on that about a year ago, when james had to quit. Thanks for the support everyone! I'm gonna look up that book, timouse, thanks! The "you're not giving something up" quote really hit home; I shouldn't feel like i lost an "old friend," rather that I am free from an unhealthy addiction. also, congratulations, jayr!! Keep it up!
  8. i haven't been partying, but i do work in a bar, so all night I get to watch people enjoying their smokes... makes it kinda hard, but i also get to observe how disgusting a habit it really is.
  9. when does it start getting easier? when do the cravings subside? When will i stop wanting to strangle people?
  10. So james and I quit smoking on monday! so far so good, but i was just wondering if anyone had any hints or suggestions for staying smoke free. anyone else recently quit?
  11. Hey, by the way, april 27th is a sunday, may 27th is on a tuesday.
  12. i thought this thread was gonna be about rob and jen...
  13. JAMES!!!!!!! Happy 30th birthday, baby!!
  14. every little bit helps, it's better than not shutting everything off for an hour.
  15. happy happy day, Kerbear!!! thanks for being so awesome!!! I wish i could come over and have a birthday beer with ya! miss you tons and hope to see you real soon! hugs,love and birthday spankings, fisty mcfuckbox
  16. Asheville's a great little city! good luck to ya!
  17. happy birthday!!! hope to see ya soon!
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