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Everything posted by KarinGarage

  1. This is Kira! She's a 9 year old husky that we rescued from the boulder humane society. Her previous owner commited suicide... very sad. She is a very sweet, calm and happy dog! She had had a rough life before, having to spend most of it chained up outside, getting very little affection. She had never had a bath before so we took her to a groomer shere they had to use 8 or 9 bottles of shampoo to get her clean!! Plus she got a lot lighter, she was a gray dog when we met her! She's in good health besides a few stiff joints and her only quirk is she's afraid of lightning. Totally understandable considering her dog house was struck by it when she was just 2. I can't wait to take her everywhere with me!!
  2. From USATODAY.COM: "The rules are fundamentally simple: Zombie tags a human, human becomes a zombie. Unlike movie zombies, with shambling walks and undead makeup, zombies in the game just wear headbands to distinguish them from armband-wearing humans. And they are free to sprint." BRAINS!! I'm thinking summer olympics 2012!
  3. soory, didn't realize you already caught that!
  4. look who I found on passed on wookies!!! uncle ted!
  5. i'm with schwa on the bumper sticker idea!
  6. me too! luckily i got 30 years till I'll retire. Hopefully everything will be better by then!
  7. Hello everyone!!! We're finally all settled in here in Lakewood, CO. The move went surprisingly well, didn't hit any traffic and only one thing broke along the way. We're loving it here so far, but we haven't had a chance yet to really get out and explore. We took a drive to Vail on saturday, here's a Link to some pictures we took along the way. We've got views of the foothills and the city from our balconies, and great views of the sun rising over the lake that our aprtment's on. We got our 5 mountain ski passes already, and A basin usually opens by mid to late october already!!! I'll keep ya'll updated, and hope to see some of ya for WSP!!!
  8. We're loading up the rental truck and heading out early tomorrow! I have to say, it's been great meeting all of you over the years. Thanks for always making me feel welcome on my many visits to Canada. I've got many wonderful memories to take with me!! If anyone wants to come visit, lemme know! Maybe I'll be seeing some of you for Widespread on NYE... Keep in touch!!!
  9. woo- hoo! pepsi center's about 15 mintures from my new place!!
  10. Well maybe not as the crow flies. C'mon with the truck' date=' I'm sure we can have most of your stuff sold or given away by day 2![/quote'] Posession Relocation!!
  11. Stop making it sound so awesome, now I'm trying to find a way to take the moving truck to NLQP. too bad it's not on the way to colorado!!
  12. whoops, ya beat me to it, bradm!
  13. Nope, he's not gay, atleast I don't think so. The church is claiming that god is punishing canada for allowing same sex marriages, that's why the poor guy was decapitated. There was a link to a newspaper article below the link about PETA that has the full story.
  14. I googled Westboro Baptist Church, the church that plans on picketing the poor victims funeral, and their website is extremely disturbing. the church's web address is www.godhatesfags.com check it out
  15. car camping, and most of the camp area is shady!
  16. you guys are making me jealous. i gotta stop opening this thread.
  17. Nelson ledges is the BEST VENUE EVER! go see a festival there! I'm so bummed i can't make it! stupid moving!
  18. I wouldn't even wanna know what it costs down here for a ride. I think an unnecessary ER visit starts at around $500 w/out the ambulance ride.(BTW, it's up to the insurance company to decide if your visit was necessary, meaning they'll probably say it wasn't, unless you were near death or had something broken.) All I know is, i pay almost $200 a month for health insurance, and I gotta pay a $25 copay everytime I see a doctor on top of that. plus, i just got some blood drawn for a physical, but since it was just a check up and nothing's actually wrong with me, i gotta pay $210 for the lab fees. and i got good insurance, too, blue cross blue shield, other insurances would charge more.
  19. dammit! no denver shows, I've always wanted to see robin williams, maybe next time.
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