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Everything posted by MoMack

  1. Nice. Jerry Shoreline is just about done and I'll give it a shot. If I manage to burn it I'll sign up. its not super fast for me as a "free", I only get about 100kb/s.
  2. Anyone know how hard (or easy) it is to take the multi-part movies and put them together and burn a DVD. I have a DVD burner, but honestly, I don't think I"ve ever used it. if its easy I may register with Rapid Share and get serious!
  3. If it had anything to do with a car you can get the car insurance to cover it. Not sure - but I think you'd have to pay even if it was in Ontario? While it does suck, like noted above, its probably well under the actual cost of having an ambulance and probably 2 well-trained paramedics attend. We take it for granted because of the great health care we have. Be thankful that the hospital isn't sending you a bill too right!
  4. Finally getting around to listening to this show. The sound on the LivePanic SBDs is amazing. Two songs in it sounds like the best board they've ever put out soundwise. Hot! (The Little Kin LGDTB is sounding all right too!) Wisco-Disco? 3 nights?
  5. MoMack

    STMusic Help

    That seems to be where I'm at. I d/led 5 shows, some in FLAC and totaled 3 gigs. I've left it wide open for about 6 days straight and I'm at 200mb uploaded. I blame Ted.
  6. MoMack

    STMusic Help

    You can donate? Interesting... Thanks for the tip.
  7. MoMack

    STMusic Help

    I can't seem to get my ratio in order. I just got started last week. Downloaded 5 panic shows I was at. I'm seeding a bunch of shit thats still on there from way back. But I can't upload faster than about 9.8kb/s and they're going to kick me off. I'm sure its partly because no one wants what I have but I did download Coldplay to try and boost my ratio and that didn't work either. Any suggestions? I'm on Rogers highspeed (normal, not lite or anything) and use Azurues bittorrent.
  8. Was just about to post that it looks like the place... thanks man! So weird that I did a half dozen different google searches but didn't get that one... didn't use "maps"...
  9. lucky guess on WSP/NYE ; ) we stayed at thetwelve.com for NYE last year and it was so perfect that we really want to find something similar. 2 br suite with kitchen living room etc. And big enough that you can have 20 or hang out comfortably. We pretty much partied there the whole time other than the shows.... keeps the $$ down... Thanks for the tip Basher - I'm going to check the Residence right now... not sure that they'll have anything downtown though..
  10. Anybody have any advice for hotels near the Pepsi Centre - ie. within walking distance? Prefer something with suites so we can cook, and 2 b.r.s so that we can share and hang out... I don't get to Denver much (its been years for sure). Any help is appreciated.
  11. someohow I can't picture the 300+ gorilla crying to Somehwere Over the Rainbow
  12. It's funny, but for the last few nights Jimmy Herring and I (well, most of the band actually) have been wearing out a dvd a friend passed along of Jeff Beck's performance at Clapton's '07 Crossroads festival. And when I say wearing it out I mean it! We watch it every night, wishing that we had more footage of the man. I have never passed up an opportunity to see Jeff Beck and I have seen him with a few different bands. His incredibly emotive playing always manages to get it's SOUL around the sound of the different musicians sharing the stage. Because Beck has matured to the point where he is talking with his guitar. Without even thinking about WHAT to play pure thought seems to ring out of that Strat: beauty, sadness, humor, and even primitive grunts and squonks are all part of his vocabulary. And we are amazed....some of the rocking tunes have been part of our musical lives: Led Boots, Blue Wind, Freeway Jam...but it's the newer ones that really get us: Nadia, Angel Footsteps, Big Block, Behind The Veil, and like you mentioned, his emotional rendering of A Day In The Life. Heck, last time I saw him live he encored with a duet version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow and it damn near made me cry. But the real reason I felt the need to respond to your blog was because of a point you often bring up: when you really FEEL what a musician is trying to say you feel compelled to tell EVERYBODY you know about it. Even if it is something as wonderfully simple as rediscovering an old flame like Jeff Beck. My point being that last Sunday we played at The All Good Festival in West Virginia and there we were, asking EVERYBODY we saw if they had heard Jeff Beck lately. And if they hadn't we told them that they damn sure needed to! Oh to have been a fly on the wall when Jimmy Herring asked Derek Trucks if he had heard Jeff Beck lately. I mean these are two of the greatest and most expressive modern day guitarists talking about how NO ONE has the range of expression that Beck does. So it was really pretty funny when your email blast came through late Sunday night. Sometimes things just happen at the right time. T RUTHfully, Dave Schools
  13. Anyone going to this? Anyone know about the site? There were supposed to be "midnight bands" at the camp out but I can't figure out who. Also, is there any water at the camping area? I'm not a big fan (hell, I don't know one song) but I'm still thinking about going...
  14. I might have been near you. There sure weren't many. In fact, I was about 3rd to 5th row in front of Schools for 4 in a row. It was killing me being 50 or so people back in Philly... Funny part is we were closer to the rail in Ottawa, but closer to the band in Toronto. Sound rocked in Toronto and Ottawa. But where was snoop for the encore?
  15. For what its worth - Toronto didn't even hold a candle to Rochester... Wait til next time!
  16. Dead veterans happy to rock again for Obama By Gary Graff Wed Jul 2, 5:25 AM ET DETROIT (Billboard) - Barack Obama's presidential run might pay dividends for Deadheads this year. Three of the Grateful Dead's surviving members -- Bob Weir, Phil Lesh and Mickey Hart -- reunited for a February fundraiser for the Democratic contender in San Francisco, and Hart says it could happen again. "We're not making plans, but I think we stand at the ready to be of service," Hart told Billboard.com. "We're all deeply into this, into Barack Obama and the thought of taking this country back in some shape or form, what's left of it -- it's probably one thing we can all agree on! So, you bet, I would spend a night with my brothers for that any time, any place." Hart said he and the other Dead alumni have exchanged "a few friendly e-mails" about doing something more for the campaign. The Grateful Dead formally broke up following the 1995 death of frontman Jerry Garcia, but the surviving members have remained active in various incarnations.
  17. I've had about a week of absolutely zero productivity. If Panic came here more often I'd get fired for sure... but maybe thats a good thing!
  18. diner last night. but the rest looks like its due
  19. Rocking can include room for 20, local brews at a reasonable price, and satellite radio with a friendly barkeep. We'll improvise.
  20. Anybody got any tips for Ottawa post-panic. Is it true that bars in Hull rock til 3am? Any tips? Music, or otherwise.
  21. Anyone know of any good music playing after Panic? Especially close, since I"m hoping they play late late late since its at the Docks...
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