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Everything posted by MoMack

  1. Where are the $100 seats? I may be looking for a pair for the Thursday if they are good seats...
  2. Thanks for the tip. The other thing I may look into is getting it unlocked and setting it up as pay-as-you-go with a U.S. AT&T sim card. Just not sure if there is data p.a.y.g.
  3. So my Razr seems to have officially kicked the bucket. Battery would die in a day, and now its "unable to charge". But hey, it lasted over a year after going through the spin cycle in my jeans pocket. I'm thinking it makes sense to go iPhone next. But, I seem to recall there being HUGE charges for data if we went south of the boarder. ie. roaming charges by the byte. Is this true? Is there a cheap alternative? And if it is, does anyone know how easy/possible it is to turn the data function off but leave it open to pick up WiFi. Obviously the big iPhone advantage, aside from not having to carry a phone and iPod, is that I can look shit up from the comfort of a hotel before heading for that pre-show meal and using the GPS to get there. But if its going to cost me as much as a limo ride to a 5-star restaurant then it probably doesn't make sense... Thoughts?
  4. So Sirius isn't getting rid of the Dead channel and Jam-On? If both of those are on both - which do you recommend? And if you subscribe in Canada, doesn't it work when you go south?
  5. Can you guys keep us updated on the Dead and Jam-On channel stuff??? I had Sirius down as an x-mas gift, but it sounds like XM may make the jump.
  6. I never realized that Bill and Mickey were at odds... It'd be nice to see someone convince teh four of them to "back them up". You know, Warren call in a favour to Phil, "hey, I need a bass for this tour, 10 shows, can you do it?" and then do the same to Bob etc. etc. Sounds like all they really need is a conductor.
  7. look through the threads on redflagdeals.com they'll have all the info and negotiating tips
  8. MoMack


    FYI: Looks like Flaherty's announcement this morning may help our dollar - its down, but that was preannouncement and its been climbing since the market opened this morning.... although still not up for the day.
  9. MoMack


  10. MoMack


    Basically its all a mess right now and changes day to day. I would think the Euro would be stronger than CAD or USD - but thats based on nothing more then Europe '72 being a great tour. I'm hitting the US in a couple weeks. My strategy right now is to check the rate a few times a day - if it gets back up to $0.85 I'll head straight to the bank and change my money over. I don't think its going to happen though.
  11. I take that back - its listed on TM now - and boy was that a shitty exchange rate!
  12. But like I said - these ones show up closer to the date. I've often got them when checking out of curiosity to see if a show is sold out and voila front row, so I sell my shitty seats. There are also likely a bunch that show up when the credit cards are being charged. But I think that gets done rather quick (the limit-room is used up on my visa, but I can't actually see it as Ticketmaster yet).
  13. I definitely have for other shows - but usually more of a week or two prior to the show.
  14. MoMack


    Agreed. Although I would have thought that the various U.S. bailout packages would have devalued their currency. I may be wrong, but as I understand it, when our dollar was highest in the past year or two, it was actually still going down in value on a global scale. It was only worth more versus the U.S. dollar because it was doing even worse. I would have expected the same, even with the decreasing commodities prices. [and boy oh boy am I kicking myself for not changing my "show savings" account to U.S. 3 weeks ago when it was at $.96 and I was in the bank and the buyout was in Congress or the Senate and I hypothesized as above. In other words, don't take financial advice from me.]
  15. Hope they come down quicker then our dollar! geesh... g'luck in Vegas. Maybe instead of cars they'll have phish tickets sitting on top of the banks of slots this year...
  16. Anyone out there know of any heady ticket buy/sell boards? I've checked out jambase.com and jambands.com, phantasytour and panicfreaks. I need to find NYE Panic tickets. Any suggestions for ones I'm missing? (tried ebay, stubhub and ticketsnow as well...) Also, anyone followed the ebay/stubhub BS to see if prices come down? They want a lot of cash for WSP NYE but there are a lot of tickets, and no one bidding or buying as far as I can tell. Will the prices come down?
  17. I always get in the encore. If I win a free ticket I buy a scratch ticket. gambing problem phh... the only problem is I never win. Better go get my prolines for tomorrows football.
  18. ... but that doesn't make it any less sad.
  19. I'm still checking for WSP new years, and it sold out two weeks ago...
  20. I just tried ignoring numbers, didn't work for me...??
  21. Anyone have a hotel reservation for right in Hampton they want to get rid of?
  22. FWIW I went through TM.ca... I honestly think there are still tickets available right now... don't quit. (I'm still trying)
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