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Everything posted by MoMack

  1. But its a little different now with the "clean" factor and all... maybe...
  2. Taxes are worse here. I usually use farecast.com It'll give you the fares, tell you where its cheapest and it'll even tell you whether its likely to go up or down. THen I book through the airline. Used to use expedia etc. but it sure sucks when you need customer service and you booked with those web travel agents... ie. weather or flight cancellations etc. the airlines take care of their own first.
  3. The question is does "matured" = no fun???
  4. I"m not making my point properly here. I don't mean it to be a big schlong who saw the dead who didn't, who saw brent etc. post. What I mean is the "special feeling" has a lot to do with the frame of mind of the audience. "While the music plays the band". a la Phil saying it couldn't happen without the fans at the show bouncing it back. The group consciousness etc. Sort of what PEI Punk was saying. I don't think that attitude or group consciousness was around post-hiatus. And really, I don't think that the attitude that was around Phish from 1994-8 or whatever, was born from phish. I was there. I was caught up in it. It was the greatest thing in the world. But in sober second thought, I wonder if it actually was ever though - or if it was left over from Jerry. By extension then, I wonder if it could ever come close to what it was because there isn't the Grateful Dead to follow. Now musically it may be different. I don't play music and that may devalue my opinion. Hell, I love WSP and that may devalue my opinion (all my musician friends seem to think it does). But I'd be shocked if 20 years from now there were many bands listing Trey and Phish as their top musical influence. How's the Dr. John go, "must've been the right place, could have been the right time" One last note. The lots and scene has everything to do with the music. Think about the eras of phish that are enjoyed. Think about what people were doing in the lot, and at the shows, and likely on stage at the same time. There is synergy there... (incidentally, its why a damn lot of "the Dead", phil, etc. etc. sucks! lol)
  5. Have to call this out a bit. "that feeling started and ended with phish". I watched Trey's little acceptance speach at the Jammys about being the centre of something bigger blah blah blah. All I could think of was them being at the centre of the right time in the right place. That feeling started and ended with the Dead! It was Jerry! It was the leftovers. It was the people who had already dropped out of school/society for fall '95 dead and had no where to go. I was at the fall '95 phish shows. It was all dead heads on tour. Before that there was no seperation between phish and any of the other college tour horde grad bands. It was fun. It might be fun again. But the "special" was leftover Jerry. Hell, wasn't phish's biggest bust out after 1995 when they did Terrapin?
  6. Strongly disagree. I'd go (close or convenient). But "have to". nope. Not until there was something to suggest it was more than a reunion. ie. more than a money grab. ie. they were actually going to play, and play well. After watching people pass out up front at the Alladin for Trey in the first Vegoose (and thanks for the awesome seats Basher), I realize that you can't always go back. (and don't get me started on post-hiatus phish). (lots of brackets in this paragraph - but I should say Trey with Phil Vegoose the next year was not a sleeper at all) But hopefully they come back. Hopefully it sounds good. Hopefully I can get some headie dank beers and balloons from a kind vegan brother bear.
  7. I'll go for the party! I admit it. I miss the lot. Its been a long time since I've hung with JB crew outside during the show...
  8. I've stayed at the Hyatt and would recommend it... and I second the "Rochester is a ghetto" comments.. just ask Floyd... But seriously, I'd suggest adding a star level to whatever you're normally comfortable with... I may do the Homewood suites about 6 miles out of town...
  9. Figured that might persuade some people on here to make the journey... Also - for those going to Phil in Rochester July 12, Susan and Derek are plyaing the same venue the night before.
  10. RBC has a 4% account. But its real easy to withdraw from. So mine is empty.
  11. Anyone know of any fancy restaurants with Veg options. GTA - Hamilton, hell, anywhere between Peterborough and Kitchener??? Not Fressen (bad experience - not the food). Tried Perigree but its booked solid. Anyone?
  12. Never mind. I don't think I can.
  13. I'm looking at the website and it says a "transferrable festival passport" comes with 11 tickets to be exchanged at the gate. Does anyone know if I can buy one of these and exchange all 11 on the 6th for Panic?
  14. Yep' date=' that's what I paid. Grrrrrr. On the positive side of things, I am stoked for this show, as it will be my first WSP show. I never thought I'd get the chance to see them in Toronto. Peace, Mark [/quote'] Are you coming up with Willy? If you are, don't buy into his first panic show theory. You know, the one that says its best to take it in far away from the stage, over by the campsite at Bonnaroo. Its a lie. Its best enjoyed inside up front.
  15. http://www.ecost.com/Detail/External+Storage/Vox/EXSA-35C-750G5K/39088679.aspx Anybody have $139.99US I can borrow?
  16. Wow! Is it HQ stuff? Whats a 750gig drive cost now a days? Wonder if I could just buy one online and have it shipped right to him?>? Almost seems to good to pass up? I can't find the list. Is it all dead or everything? Are there SBDs? DSBDS?
  17. Care to expand? How so? Is it as in you instantly find who you're looking for. Everything is super-coordinated and you lose the random experiences that come with sumbling around the lot looking for whoever you're looking for? If thats what you mean, I'd agree. Although I've often thought that it was just my age that was ruining the parking lot experience for me.
  18. Its an interesting read. It hints at what I think seperated the Dead from any other show (and in fact is one of DMB's redeeming qualities, and makes them a good show even though they're not my band). What seperated the dead is the "be here now" aspect and the fact that everyone was 100% tuned in. (okay, there were always some that were too tuned in to really be there, but thats another story. Cell phones etc. take away from that. Especially in a place like Toronto, where its always seemed like concerts were places to be seen and not what they really are. It also got me thinking about technology and set lists. It used to be so much more exciting to not know the previous weeks setlists until I got to the lot and got my copy of Dupree's Diamond News. Now I can't imagine going to see by band (Panic) without knowing what they've played this tour, what they played the last few days, and most importantly, whether I'm going to hear my Genesis. I think it was a lot better the old way. But there is no going back now...
  19. I'm eyeing up that Mickey show too!
  20. It doesn't actually make TM cheaper - I thought it did and didn't buy pre-sales for Rochester. Turns out I was off by about $1.50/ticket on 4. (I guess TM may be cheaper for less than 4 tix). As for the Rotate This etc. Just cause the Docks site says it'll happen, doesn't mean it will. Of course, just because it doesn't say anything on Panic's site doesn't mean it won't happen...
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