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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Looks like Halsey's been disciplined: Halsey has not commented on the matter and has been informed he will now take charge of the League Two encounter between Chester and Shrewsbury on Sunday.
  2. remember how they used to play those old silent B&W films all the time? great pizza too
  3. you know what i miss? Mother's pizza parlours
  4. she's a robot not an actor, Schwa. give a robot a break
  5. Davey Boy 2.0


    the dialogue in Fringe is pretty bad though, and the hairpiece on the old crazy guy's head is enough to make me suggest they change it to "Cringe"
  6. now that's a rock'n'roll way to go
  7. this could get good Q: What's Dolly Parton's bra size? A: 40DD
  8. i like Rex and think he's anything but pompous
  9. if you end up hanging out with jaimoe, take everything he says with a big grain of salt. also be prepared to have to remind him weeks later as to what really happened and who said what. great guy though
  10. $50 says she's a tranny [color:#cccccc]resist the temptation bradm
  11. mmmm, red cards do get overturned from time to time but it's never been this type of situation. The red was issued for a serious foul, not for having prevented a goal scoring opportunity Now Terry doesn't even get a yellow; I read that the Chav lawyers would have had to successfully argue that the foul wasn't even a bookable offence, however the stupid part of this is that reds can't be downgraded to yellows- it's all or nothing. So Halsey's made to look like a toothless incompetent imbecile and Terry gets off scot free after having rugby tackled Jo. total BS
  12. good point, pt... i tore stomach muscles back in high school, the doctor noticed it during a routine medical before I went to uni (months after the injury must have occured), he told me don't get fat as that torn muscle will come back to haunt you oh how i scoffed at him...
  13. wonder what maradona's up to these days live is live
  14. we'll just get another beckham, stick him on billboards all over town and it'll be easy from there on in
  15. just like it wasn't you who said, "Hi. We're from Canada"
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