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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Davey Boy 2.0


    i dont even know where to begin with this! how about "I'll show you some thick and deliciously dirty gravy, Dinghbat"? or "Looks like Dinghbat's dug some more man gravy out of his canal again"
  2. Schwa'll be there sometime between October 20th and November 1st
  3. anyone else get the feeling that TheAlphaNerd is soon to become someone's gimp?
  4. Davey Boy 2.0


    good job. i had one at 9:30 2 saturdays ago now, went down remarkably well
  5. whatever you do, eat a donair
  6. the Shrutestach was pretty good, loved Michael ripping up the tickets, and Creed piping up with "She's got a nice ass" was facking hilarious
  7. Davey Boy 2.0


    are you still up from last night or just getting up, Bama?
  8. For what it's worth, you can pledge your allegiance here. This is what I added: I'd prefer you used Lansdowne as it's faaaaar more convenient and the proposed site is very inconvenient but I'll still support the team as best I can (it'll be the difference between getting seasons tickets and just going when I'm able)
  9. i think there are maybe 2 other threads about that Eastern-European comfort food, Tasha had one named something like, "Baba Krachenkovich's Homeade Borscht". The exclamation mark was implied, I felt
  10. let us know when the fallout shelter's built and what your capacity is, I'll be sure to have a bottle of scotch to share for the apocalypse we can work out a dance routine for it, maybe call it the apocalypso keep on rockin SS
  11. i heard there was romantic traffic
  12. he's a lanky mofo. $10 says wee Mickey leaves Newcastle in January fack they look brutal. N'Zogbia is woeful, back line is in tatters, Owen's free to play wherever he likes, Martens looks more suited to the French league, Butt is directionless and sloppy, David Edgar didn't do too much wrong though for my money, the ilttle that he played. oh yes and spurs were juuust a little better, would've been quite a different finish to the game if newcastle hadn't Given up that 2nd (& very cheap) goal
  13. i think he did Subway commercials, FbN
  14. I'll handle this one, BradM "Keep what together, Kanada Kev?" Aloha, db
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