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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I was going to put this in the Charles barkley thread but that wouldn't be fair, tbf Kevin Keegen Quotes 'It's like a toaster, the ref's shirt pocket. Every time there's a tackle, up pops a yellow card.' 'The ref was vertically 15 yards away.' 'There are two schools of thought on the way the rest of this half is going to develop; everybody's got their own opinion...' 'Goalkeepers aren't born today until they're in their late twenties or thirties.' 'This could be a repeat of the final.' 'The game has gone rather scrappy as both sides realise they could win this match or lose it.' 'I don't think there's anyone bigger or smaller than Maradona.' 'England can end the millenium as it started - as the greatest football nation in the world.' 'They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different' 'Despite his white boots, he has real pace...' 'You can't do better than go away from home and get a draw...' 'He can't speak Turkey, but you can tell he's delighted.' 'There'll be no siestas in Madrid tonight.' '...using his strength. And that is his strength, his strength.' 'One of his strengths is not heading' (of course, one of Keggy's strengths is not talking) 'Gary always weighed up his options, especially when he had no choice.' 'I'm not disappointed - just disappointed.' 'The tide is very much in our court now.' 'Chile have three options - they could win or they could lose.' 'That would have been a goal if it wasn't saved.' 'I came to Nantes two years ago and it's much the same today, except that it's totally different.' 'A tremendous strike which hit the defender full on the arm - and it nearly came off.' 'The good news for Nigeria is that they're two-nil down very early in the game' 'The substitute is about to come on - he's a player who was left out of the starting line-up today.' 'That decision, for me, was almost certainly definitely wrong.' 'I know what is around the corner - I just don't know where the corner is. But the onus is on us to perform and we must control the bandwagon.' 'Hungary is very similar to Bulgaria. I know they're different countries...' 'In some ways, cramp is worse than having a broken leg.' 'The 33 or 34-year-olds will be 36 or 37 by the time the next World Cup comes around, if they're not careful.' 'England have the best fans in the world and Scotland's fans are second-to-none' 'It's understandable that people are keeping one eye on the pot and another up the chimney.' 'I'd love to be a mole on the wall in the Liverpool dressing room at half-time.' 'It could be far worse for me if it was easy for me.' 'Discipline is not only very important, it's crucial.' 'Young Gareth Barry - he's young' 'Argentina won't be at Euro 2000 because they're from South America.' 'They're the second best team in the world, and there's no higher praise than that.' 'You don't get two chances at this level, or at any other level for that matter.' 'You're not just getting international football, you're getting world football' 'Kanu, a guy with a heart as big as he is' 'Luis Figo is totally different to David Beckham, and vice versa' 'Football's always easier when you've got the ball' 'They don't come every three days, like they come after this one' 'I want more from David Beckham. I want him to improve on perfection.' 'The tide is very much in our court now.' 'There's a slight doubt about only one player, and that's Tony Adams, who definitely won't be playing tomorrow.' 'We have spent three matches chasing a football.' 'It’s no longer an 11 man game.' 'The Germans only have one player under 22, and he's 23' 'For some it's the ultimate job, for the others it's the last job.' 'I've had an interest in racing all my life, or longer really.' 'We managed to wrong a few rights.' 'We are three games without defeat is another way of looking at it. But if we are honest we have taken two points from nine' 'He'll also be very dangerous from set-pieces. That means he'll be a threat from free-kicks and corners in the final third of the field.' 'Danny Tiatto is not going to make a mistake on purpose' 'I'll never play at Wembley again, unless I play at Wembley again' 'You need 88 points for the title and we’ve got 61 at present with 16 games to go, but if you set targets you limit yourself' 'We deserved to win this game after hammering them 0-0 in the first half' 'He’s got a heart as big as his size, which isn’t big, but his heart’s bigger than that' 'Well, if that's true then it would be a big suprise, but then nothing surprises me in football these days.' 'You get bunches of players like you do bananas, though that is a bad comparison.' 'Not many teams will come to Arsenal and get anything, home or away' 'Shaun Wright-Phillips has got a big heart. It's as big as him, which isn't very big, but it's bigger' 'Nicolas Anelka left Arsenal for £23million and they built a training ground on him' 'As far as I'm concerned, Danny Tiatto doesn't exist' 'One team with destiny already decided...' 'Maine Road was a great football stadium but as time moved on it stayed where it is...'
  2. I hope to Hull it's not serious
  3. Crystal's brother and I are reroofing Crystal's mum's place on saturday so I'd imagine I'll be quite thirsty afterward I know precisely what's on, foodwise. turkey, mash, carrots & turnip, brussel sprouts, gravey, peas, a small dish with pickles and chedder cheese, cran, and muchos vino. and it'll be fantastic as long as i don't eat too much feck i love turkey sandwiches
  4. jaimoe's in the early running for worst Thanksgiving dinner out of everyone who's posted here
  5. whore-john, proud of it especially when i took that whore into the john that one time. i was also wearing longjohns, for those interested
  6. the "Smell my mule" ones are always good
  7. hooker website ! i'll be the webmaster [color:#cccccc]for free
  8. i heard that's what booche used to build his horseshow pit
  9. "takes some real elbow grease to scrub the magical stripper dust off it" sounds like you already did the hard part, Tungs
  10. Did Uberdoofussy play at the reception? congratulations Brian & Sunghee!
  11. whoops that wasn't in Hampton... but still
  12. if it wasn't for the 2003 Hampton bust out, that would have been my first half-facetious suggestion
  13. When I jumped off, I had a bucket full of thoughts When I first jumped off, I held that bucket in my hand Ideas that would take me all around the world I stood and watched the smoke behind the mountain curl It took me a long time to get back on the train Now I'm gone and I'll never look back again I'm gone and I'll never look back at all You know I'll never look back again I turn my face into the howlin' wind It took me a long time to get back on the train See my face in the town that's flashing by See me standing at the station in the rain See me running there beside the car I left it all behind, again I'll travel far It took me a long time to get back on the train When I jumped off, I had a bucket full of thoughts When I first jumped off, I held that bucket in my hand Ideas that would take me all around the world I stood and watched the smoke behind the mountains curl It took me a long time to get back on the train It took me a long time to get back on the train It took me a long time to get back on the train
  14. My brother-in-law's looking to vamoose out of North Carolina back to Canada before the collapse and is poking around for Cdn jobs (central Canada-ish) I've sent him links to all the usual websites but thought I'd drop a hook in scank waters I can pass along a cv if interested Maybe I should hook him up with Tooly, now that I think of it
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