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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. you shouldn't have had those burritos beforehand 'ersh ...i'll get my coat
  2. Lexicon for foodies Last winter, Oliver Pritchett of The Sunday Telegraph offered a lexicon for foodies, "how to bluff your way round restaurant menus, TV chefs and dinner parties," including: Authentic: A warning there may be hygiene issues. Bonne femme: Menu expression meaning, "You will enjoy this, but you must be really hungry." Delicacy: Very small portion. Gourmet: Alerts you to the probability you are going to get a piece of sun-dried tomato with your burger. Jus: Gastropub gravy. Mmmmm: Could signify you have just lost a filling or crown in the baguette you are eating. More likely to mean you can't think of anything to say about what you have just been given to taste. New wave: The chef has a blowtorch. Protégé: A cook who was taught to chuck pans by a famous chef.
  3. no no dude, I was 1000 kms away. you're not gay this time, bud
  4. i thought it was more than 100MB/month alloted for a Flickr acct, could be wrong though but there certainly is a limit of 200 photos that can be shown at one time. and the site resizes your photos, particularly when they're big
  5. i heard the music was adjudged to have been criminally insane
  6. BST, it happens right on mount royal on sundays, dig it: http://tamtamsmontreal.net/map_e.html
  7. anywhere consenting adults can find some privacy
  8. Wynton's a pampered juilliard pansy boy j/k, i like him well enough
  9. i was doing a century that afternoon/evening in Sackville, had a great night afterward fuelled by that race. might've even turned into a double century that got abandoned in favour of taking it to the streets
  10. d) that Mac was in his mouth before it was in his hand
  11. From the Canada Gazette Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 25(2) of the Bank Act, that Wal-Mart Canada Corp. intends to apply to the Minister of Finance for letters patent incorporating a bank to carry on the business of banking in Canada. The bank will carry on business in Canada under the name Wal-Mart Canada Bank in the English form and La Banque Wal-Mart du Canada in the French form, and its head office will be located in Mississauga, Ontario. Any person who objects to the proposed incorporation may submit an objection in writing to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, 255 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H2, on or before November 3, 2008. September 13, 2008 WAL-MART CANADA CORP
  12. Davey Boy 2.0


    low ball them BWM! then stick em on ebay
  13. what a small minded petty little snivelling c*nt
  14. What's the difference between Tottenham Hotspur and a triangle? wait for it...
  15. almost forgot: 30. 28-year-old, cask-strength Islay whisky... sans ice bien sur
  16. Additional suggestions encouraged 1. enjoy not having plans (and maybe enjoying the odd weekday lunch downtown) 2. get another mattress to stuff money in 3. pay off mattm's student loan 4. go freelance 5. ollie's old job, involving sitting beside Bouche 6. hook up with Julian and Ricky 7. do lunch with Hux 8. Start looking into the gov't jobs ASAP 9. Asian sex tourism 10. Speedballing 11. Asian sex tourism with Ms. Hux 12. Taper tour 2008/2009 13. Anal sex tourism 14. Get twisted up with Velvet & Basher 15. Push Jaybone down enjoyably 16. have Hartamophone tape up his wazoo 17. killing spree in AD's HR dept 18. bed-in reprise with dancingbear 19. boozing through the winter with Ol'Hickster 20. Snowboard his life away with Schwa. 21. live the dream so that timouse can live vicariously 22. Fuckin' rock it 23. travel aruond the world volunteering 24. finally check out some live music 25. spend some time on teh internetz 26. try taping 27. create the Bradm Inc., with Lowroller as assistant to the manager 28. "sell out"* and see about working for Live Nation 29. do a few cycles of roids and get fuÇking massive. Be like the Incredible Hulk bustin out of his Cons
  17. the real question of course is whether or not Tottenham will be in the premier league next year.
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