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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" - Carol Channing
  2. i heard that Fishman's couch surfing
  3. suddenly MOBE going out into the wild doesn't seem quite so implausible
  4. someone give Canned Beats a couple of shots of absinthe
  5. i know i am when I've got my scotch gaze* workin *Scotch gaze: Toward the end of his life, British author Kingsley Amis sometimes appeared in photographs with a resplendent sheen on his forehead, nose and cheeks. Some people call it "sweat alcohol," a common problem among heavy drinkers, Alexander Waugh writes in Bookforum.com. "On both of the occasions on which I had the pleasure to meet this funny and distinguished man, he drank whisky throughout lunch and by the afternoon was wearing that slightly bewildered, slightly aggressive, slightly penitent expression known as the 'Scotch gaze.' . . . It is an expression curiously unique to whisky drinkers."
  6. very sorry to hear this Greg, sounds like you gave Hud a great life so don't second guess yourself
  7. well a more cultured version of shainhouse of course
  8. my one regret about having quit is that i don't enjoy cigars as much anymore and have a tough time getting past mid-cigar on most of the bigger ones ah well, at least i don't wheeze when i auto-eroticate
  9. Nathan Moore (not sure about the song's title): I have unprotected sex tons of times I've never broken out in hives I’ve never gotten anyone pregnant I’ve never ruined any lives I’ve done psychedelic drugs tons of times I’ve never jumped, thought that I could fly But I wouldn’t trade anything for the world I’ve seen With my third eye And I smoke cigarettes I know one day I’ll die But not til I’m done living And that could take the rest of my life Mary wanna dance all night long She pleads with me “Please sing another song†And I feel thankful every time I get the chance to find Mary wanna dance And I drink alcohol I know one day I’ll die But not til I’m done living And that could take the rest of my life What’s next? Let’s see we’ll flip a coin My destiny could be to hop this train But I’ve done it all for Lady Luck I’ve left it all up for the Lord to explain Oh this magic Life I know one day I’ll die But not til I’m done living And that could take the rest of my life
  10. dude, if you ever ever run into her again you've GOT to bring that up!
  11. i'd love to see any athlete anywhere take a stand and refuse to compete tough to reconcile sparing the efforts/feelings of athletes when people are heavy handedly oppressed and being murdered in the streets
  12. it does drive me a little crazy though that the chavs surround the ref every single time there's a decision against them
  13. that was a fooking great game to watch
  14. the caustic back and forths must have stressed bouche the younger out
  15. Davey Boy 2.0


    you'd better get an 18 pack of Bud into ya before you try this though badams. we wouldn't want any accidents
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