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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. the only drawback of that package is that you're not getting any kind of wide angle capability in those lenses, but other than that it sounds like a great deal if you can ask about the condition of the lenses, do so and inspect them very carefully once you get them to make sure that it's all copasetic. nothing like a scratch on or mold inside the lens to make it next to worthless
  2. Argentina replaced with Venezuala due to hippy burnout Afghanistan Aruba Barbados Belgium Bonaire British Virgin Islands (is it a country of it's own?) Brunei Cambodia Canada China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba England France Germany India Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Laos Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Monaco Morocco Myanmar Netherlands Pakistan Panama Portugal Rwanda Saudi Arabia Scotland Singapore South Korea Spain St.Kitts/Nevis Switzerland Thailand USA Vatican City Venezuala Vietnam Wales
  3. maybe this? Afghanistan Argentina Aruba Barbados Belgium Bonaire British Virgin Islands (is it a country of it's own?) Canada China Colombia Cuba England France Germany India Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Monaco Morocco Netherlands Pakistan Rwanda Saudi Arabia Scotland South Korea Spain St.Kitts/Nevis Switzerland Thailand USA Vatican City Wales
  4. I think this is it so far Canada USA England France Belgium Netherlands Morocco Spain Luxembourg Thailand Germany Malaysia Saudi Arabia Scotland Wales France Italy Switzerland Japan Mexico Pakistan Afghanistan Cuba South Korea Argentina India Kenya Rwanda Barbados St.Kitts/Nevis British Virgin Islands (is it a country of it's own?) China Vatican City Monaco Aruba Bonaire Jamaica Mexico
  5. Kinda stole idea this from another forum, but anyway, copy and paste the preceeding list and add any new countries yourself. Why? Why not? Edit to add: if they have their own 'national' soccer team they qualify Canada USA England France Belgium Netherlands Morocco Spain Luxembourg
  6. Theme: The Last Shall Be The First: Song titles must start with the last word of the previous title 1. Public Enemy - Fight The Power 2. Procol Harum - Power Failure 3. Scars of Tomorrow - Failure in Drowning 4. Woody Guthrie - Drowning Man 5. Dylan - Man of Peace 6. Neil Young - Peace of Mind 7. John Lennon - Mind Games 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  7. my lungs are still scarred from huffing all that elmers glue, AD
  8. and i have to say - what's the use of playing a game if you're going to use some sort of search tool to come up with an answer!?!? that's not a game! (count me in for more zappa)
  9. oh sh!t, Power to the People wasn't on an album
  10. congrats popo and family
  11. slightly older john nic column: I'd been eating almost nothing except celery, carrots and peanuts for a week. I wasn't on a health trip, I was just trying to stay alive. Not for no reason were amphetamines given to women who wanted to lose weight. As an appetite suppressant it works very well; take a lot and you lose interest in eating at all. Then you get into a destructive cycle whereby you don't want to eat and therefore have no energy, so you hoover up more speed to keep you going and thus feel even less like eating. That way lies madness. A healthy person had told me that by eating celery, carrots and peanuts I was getting all the important nutrition I needed. So when we were running down our dreams on the road in California, I existed on them for whole weeks at a time supplementing them only with fine alcohol and hash cakes. However, I had no idea what the narrow, if healthy diet was doing to my body. The first time I'd been on it for a week, it had a most unexpected side effect which naturally came to mind this Sunday while I was watching the West Ham debacle. I hooked up with a girl after a gig in Marina Del Ray who was good enough and corrupt enough to invite me back to her condo by the beach to party until the sun rose. At the time I was an expert in partying till the sun came up, so it was something I was happy to do. I throw my guitar into the back of her car as she pulls up outside the club. The old Mustang is all turquoise and white stripes and look like it belongs in a movie. As she hits the gas it roars magnificently like a wild animal. In a beat up, cap sleeved t-shirt and denim cut offs, she looks like a cheap movie star version of a kid who has gone off the rails. That'll do for me. I've never had much fondness for the rails. She shows me into her condo and it's all white and silver and looks like the sort of place someone who had taste would have, which made me wonder what the hell she was doing with me. A print of the movie poster for Endless Summer is on one wall and an abstract oil painting is on the other. It's clean but I'm not after being up already for 36 hours. I can only hope I don't leave a stain on the white sofa as we fool around and take our clothes off. Being a kind girl with a fondness for pissed Englishmen, she offered to provide oral relief upon my person. Hurrah! Now, I like to get the politics of these occasions right. I don't consider it obligatory or necessary for the lady involved to swallow. I mean, if I was her, I wouldn't. Not unless I was lacking potassium in my diet. So I inform her of this and as it turns out she understandably has no interest in swallowing and that's fine with me, so at the crucial moment I inform her of impending developments in order that she can remove herself from the scene of the crime. This turns out to be a good move because the poor lass would have drowned, so capacious was the volume of what I shall, for uncharacteristically polite reasons, call my man gravy. It was as much a surprise to me because you get used to the volume you produce don't you and this was perhaps five times the normal amount. It was like I had been fitted with a garden hose and turned the tap on full blast. The girl wasn't exactly a blushing virgin, but she claimed never to have seen anything like it, and I had to agree that it was a bit freaky. I had briefly wondered if it would ever actually stop, and if not exactly how would the police explain my dehydrated corpse to my mam and dad. 'It was an extreme case of fatal spunking sir.' Or maybe ' He came and he went.' I have no idea how the human body works, and I don't want to know for fear of becoming a hypochondriac and thinking that every twinge is a tumour. However, later the next day I met a man who had some medical expertise, all be it only an expertise in knowing what drugs to take from a pharmacy should you ever feel like robbing one. And he told me that it was all because of the sheer volume of celery I'd been consuming. Apparently celery does something to your lymph glands which causes the voluminous explosion. This was confirmed to me later in a chance meeting in the Rainbow Bar and Grill with a Sunset Strip rocker who said it was a well known thing in the porn industry. You see there are always consequences from how you live your life. You can't escape them. Whether you eat a vast amount of celery, or like Anton Ferdinand, you large it up in South Carolina for four days while your club is in peril, lie about it to your employers and manager and then play like a drain while sporting an arse so fat that it makes Robbie Fowler look anorexic. There are consequences to everything. In this case the consequence is relegation and the destruction of your professional reputation. Many of the West Ham side stand as the perfect illustration of exactly how not to be a modern footballer. Even when Zamora scored the third goal yesterday, his first instinct was to point to his name on his shirt - in other words, 'it's all about me', not about the team. Zamora is a journeyman player who should be on his knees in gratitude for the fortunes he's earned by being average at Spurs and West Ham. Few men have less reason to large it, even if his girlfriend is in the top-notch dystopian reality show WAGs Boutique, which people tell me is some sort of competition to see who is, or maybe has, the biggest c**t. When your club is infested with men who think they are far better than they are, when they are more concerned with playing cards for big money on the way to the game, when you can only think of yourself and not your club, it all works against you in the end, and the results are self evident; almost a self evident as the consequences of a blow job after you've been eating lots of celery.
  12. sadly the investors i had lined up for that idea became a bit squeamish during my sales pitch/dog and pony show
  13. England - Israel the following Saturday ta boot. I hope that one's on TV somewheres i've an ominous feeling about that game
  14. i got hammered on KENTUCKY THUNDER once, woke up in a barn next to a goat, pantless and covered in bbq sauce and straw after i finally found my way home, i showered and pulled myself together only to find that i had no hair left on me at all- my body or my head my dog at the time barked at me like i was an intruder for about 3 weeks best night of my life
  15. the real question is— is she hot? [color:#CCCCCC](rule 1 please)
  16. This Is Pure Genius, Nothing Could Possibly Go Wrong
  17. The Leafs are a joke, Jeff. The sooner you realise that the better off you'll be For serious. PS How drunk can i be while on the job? will i have to wear a suit? underwear?
  18. Theme: Songs about drugs or dealing with drug habits! 1. Eric Clapton - Cocaine 2. DMB - Rhyme and Reason 3. Amy Winehouse - Rehab 4. John Lennon - Cold Turkey 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Aloha, Brad
  19. toasted everything bagel with light cream cheese, baby carrots and a banana, green tea
  20. Blackburn v Chelsea or Tottenham Watford v Middlesbrough or Manchester United Ties will be played the weekend of 14 and 15 April 2007
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