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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. let's not forget the Peter Sellers Pink Panther movies! that one laughing gas scene is sublime
  2. my grundle's pretty rank, not sure if that counts for anything
  3. March 31st, 2007 - Ottawa's Byward Inn was burned to the ground by an unknown arsonist (arsenist!?) last night
  4. we're having this again tonight (after Holly goes to bed)— I'm fookin stoked... this might be the best chicken recipe (outside of curry) i've ever had
  5. due to work and homework catphish and i will have to miss out as well one day though i swear we'll see the JHs
  6. ...back wghen ollie used to listen to Courtney love non-stop
  7. is that from a Union of Authority promo package?
  8. the pieces of the puzzle that is ollie seem to be taking shape
  9. i just hope jol doesn't play Berba-doll too much in the home stretch, we don't want to be buying damaged goods in the summer (j/k there, ollie [color:#CCCCCC]kinda)
  10. I think DEM, ranking 14th and only having been on here for a little over 2 years deserves some sort of honourable mention– 5000-odd posts in just over 2 years? impressive!
  11. i heard there's going to be a salvia tent at CTMF this year
  12. don't forget the games are now pushed back an hour due to DST....
  13. Brit study on drug use and policy, from Alternet
  14. i do believe to a degree in the "use the body to cure the mind and the mind to cure the body" line of reasoning– i often walk for 30-35 minutes home from work and i'm sure that if i ever got stressed out from work it would do me wonders
  15. sorry to hear this Bob, all the best for your grandfather
  16. hastily written i would guess btw, [here] magazine– worst magazine name ever in any case the evening should be well worth $20
  17. well then william i think it's about time you watched Endless Love (again) personally i just eat celery and lots of it
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