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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. stick to the Fatcats and BNB Hal
  2. ::awaits long-winded response from jaimoe, ranking and giving brief histories, price comparisons and number of friends working in each major record shop::
  3. BradM- taper, musician and now a community unto himself well done sir
  4. Davey Boy 2.0

    Chez Lucien

    is that Slocoaster jazz or jazz jazz?
  5. A- that doesn't make sense B- if it did you'd be wrong anyway
  6. what does "they offer up the superiority of the older bands" even mean? and why is the fact that 'they' are "held to some standard they don't understand or even want to" even an issue if they don't want to understand it? and anyway as far as i can tell bands get criticised if they aren't good. Whether they're old or young does not matter at all, that's waaay beside the point
  7. if your friend has long grey hair a soft step and calls you man then he's way off. if he's a lawyer in your office who's trying to relate to what you're into, he's probably hitting on you
  8. but seriously though, playing the 'simpler' songs well and with feeling is just one aspect of what makes a band good. to be able to do that in addition to doing justice to more techinically proficient pieces is what i- were i a musician- would aspire to. and if your band are simply unable to play the more intricate pieces then, well i as a bar patron, am going to need a few rounds of Jager to compensate (sorry couldn't resist)
  9. perhaps you're right but the flip side to that is that i've grown to love nero because i was previously much more trashed at bars and used to let how they made me feel dictate their credibility. I likely would have liked these young bands like wilco, who I label as easy to replicate today when I was younger, but my needs have changed.
  10. are we talking about the country or the city here?
  11. ::shakes head in amazement:: Deeps- let's put this in perspective for a moment- you, if i understand correctly are in a band, yes? At your next practice, just for fun, try: A- to cover a Sloco song B- then try to cover a nero song Report back afterward and we'll see how things went. My prediction would be that the Sloco song went pretty well, you were able to lay down some 'funky/reggae/groovy' rhythms and enjoyed singing the interesting lyrics, then when you tackle the nero material... well you came to the realisation that yuo'd need to work on the changes and possibly your chops for a while to get it down reasonably well
  12. did it already have cream and sugar in it then?
  13. replays start on FSW @ 4:00 today i hope they both end in draws again (that said I'm not entirely sure if they'd have to be replayed or if they have to be settled today)
  14. We salute Joe Namath, a superb drunkard and a pretty good athelete. (MDM updated)
  15. sounds like that arsepool game on the 31st is in fact @ 7:30 put yer thinkin caps on lads
  16. i thought it was more of a "I am about to give you the rustiest trombone you have ever had in yuor entire life, bitch! You'd better have eaten all the celery that i left for you in the cupboard!" expression not that i've thought about it much
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