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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. David Brent: Avoid employing unlucky people - throw half of the pile of CVs in the bin without reading them.
  2. Marge: 'You set off the fire alarm at 6 in the morning to drag us to a beer festival?' Homer: 'I know, I'm a character.'
  3. that's the nicest thing you've ever said to your brother
  4. any one of these: pat robertson bill o'reilly jim and tammy fae baker (preferably both at once) jerry falwell wilson ideally though it wouldn't be a sucker punch, but a punch nonetheless
  5. veggie chili booche had a corner deli donair jimmyb had a bowl cereal (honey all bran)
  6. I can Rule 1 'em if it comes to that...
  7. Win Dylan Tickets You can win two front-row tickets to Bob Dylan's show at Scotiabank Place on Sunday, courtesy of SonyBMG, and The Bob Dylan Collection -- a total of 773 songs, including the new CD Modern Times -- which you can download from iTunes on your new 8GB iPod Nano, courtesy of Apple. Here's how to win: Send us 50-100 words explaining what Dylan song means the most to you, and why. We'll pick the best entry to win the tickets, tunes and iPod, and publish a sample of the entries in Saturday's Arts section and online at www.ottawacitizen.com. Send your Dylan favourite to dylan@thecitizen.canwest.com All entries must include full name, address and daytime phone number (not for publication).
  8. GOP courting the bigot vote..... surprise surprise
  9. yeah i haven't seen 22 minutes i quite a while, used to be alright when mercer was on it, but you're right the "Get it?" expressions are painful. and the Mercer Report has it's moments but he's almost too full of himself or something, can't quite put my finger on what it is about him that's a little too much he's probably just spent too much time in Toronto. it corrupts everyone after a while (case in point— jaimoe)
  10. yeah seems to be on the rise again eh? what's that one song that's banned "Billy somethinorother" sad really...
  11. and he'll be working on the watered down part of his make-up right after work– i think he's got coors light in the fridge
  12. yeah good un, sctv had moments of blinding brilliance
  13. My thinking here is maybe get ideas for shows then we can put together a Poll later on once we have the nominations in. The question is whether or not we should open up the field and include things like This Hour Has 22 Minutes or just go with 'sitcoms'. Seeing as how there aren't that many Cdn sitcoms I guess we'd better open up the field. My nominations would be: Made in CanadaThe Newsroom22 MinutesMercer ReportWayne and Schuster??!!?? maybe i shouldn't nominate this one, i've never really watched it
  14. can we just forward our responses to your regular email so that you can pass them on then?
  15. solitary unstable crazyman, one would hope
  16. no no no that's more of a Thanksgiving selection paired with a nice Shiraz and some jellied eels and *mmmmwwwaaahhh* that's a good night's entertainment
  17. Catphish and i watched Night Muff on Elm St., the Deflowering of Nancy Thompson
  18. dingdingding! ...and the award goes to!
  19. aaahhhhhhhhhhhh, that makes sense to me now.
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