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Everything posted by thatpatguy

  1. I'm there.. section 320.. look for me in my "Listen to Slayer" t-shirt!
  2. I'm hoping to have some invites sometime next week (if I can get my act together this weekend). Once I do I'll be happy to share the wealth. Until then I'd be happy to offer posting what I grab from the Fest 8 recordings and putting them up on Megaupload
  3. found it.. yes I am blind... and freeleech for the first two nights but it looks like no freeleech for the Nov 1st sets
  4. have I gone blind? I can't find Festival 8 on what anywhere
  5. have you heard the new album yet? I haven't picked it up yet but I'm dying to get it
  6. hey ollie.. how was the show? I totally wanted to go (I've been a big 3 inches fan since forever) but already had plans on Saturday. I'm sure they slayed all sorts of mythical creatures!
  7. It's that time of year again. Time to put on our best zombie makeup, gather with our fellow undead, and perform the dance from Thriller for the hordes of shocked (and probably amused) living. What am I talking about? I'm talking about the global event Thrill The World. Every year, the weekend before Hallowe'en, people from all over the world get together for this event. This year the event takes place at 12:30am GMT on Sunday Oct 25th. For those of us in the Eastern Standard Time zone that's 8:30pm on Saturday Oct 24th. There are events planned for all the major cities in Canada. If you want to see what this is all about check out this vid: The international site is http://www.thrilltheworld.com and you can find your local event from this page: http://www.thrilltheworld.com/events/info/thrill_the_world_2009/official_events so.. on Oct 24th I invite everyone to join me and get their zombie on!!
  8. I've only seen Derek Roche (he doesn't have a PhD and doesn't refer to himself as Dr. Roche) for allergy treatments, and the website does seem to be very allergy focused (yes, they do the whole NAET thing). Maybe they don't do other types of work, I really don't know, sorry man.
  9. Ever since I was a teen my mom had a horrible allergy to milk protein. She was so sensitive to milk protein that even a single slice of store bought bread could affect her. Her symptoms were flu like as opposed to skin swelling or other more typical allergic type reactions. She visited Derek Roche at Sunrise Health Centre on Riverside Dr a few years ago and has been able to consume milk products without issue ever since. She does have to go back in every year or two to get "topped up" as she says. It took one or two treatments initially. It was really freaky. Both my wife and I have seen Derek since then, due exclusively to mom's success, and though we haven't had as pronounced a change, we have both felt it was beneficial in terms of treating allergies/chemical sensitivities. I have no idea if Derek would be as effective for stuff like chronic pain/injuries, but I don't see why he would only be good at working with allergies/sensitivities and not other stuff. Sunrise Health Centre 2211 Riverside Dr, Suite 104 613 736-5200 http://www.sunrisehealth.ca
  10. ok you hip hop heads.. by request from Deeps here is the hip hop for haters mix again (all 4 discs) for those who missed it the first time this is a compilation of nothing but underground hip hop http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ESAA83WC Some extra stuff people might like is this 115 track Golden Age compilation: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1SQ5VGRL The Diary, a mix of over 800 songs covering 20 years of hip hop from 1987-2007: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8DF6ZSTI and The Diary volume 1.5, 20 remixes, each track representing a year in hip hop history, from 1989 to 2009: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7TH9328J
  11. hmmm.. I'm sure I could dig that up. I also have an amazing compilation of all the classic tracks from the "golden age" of hip hop (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapping#The_golden_age).. it's 115 tracks in length, but also a killer primer for those looking for the real deal. Lastly, I have this mix called The Diary by Chris Read. It's a "chronological mix of the genre's landmark recordings by order of release from 1979-2007. 801 records in the blend!". I'll try to get all this stuff up over the next day or so for everyone.
  12. I went last year, not really knowing what to expect, and found it pretty cool. We are hoping to go tomorrow night for the big fire finale.
  13. Fatlip featuring Charli 2na.. love this track (and love Charli's flow.. great emcee) Reqg9aCRGHQ
  14. if anyone wants to go a bit more experimental may I suggest Antipop Consortium esXFNTlLxUA p1X462DQiJc and if we are going old school we should not forgot one of the fathers of east coast hardcore hip hop, Just-Ice DBjrMNER9gQ
  15. seconded!! in fact anything by Roots Manuva is nothing but win. And if you are enjoying Roots Manuva it's a pretty small step over to Dizzy Rascal IPpxxrl0xhM
  16. whenever someone who really likes music, like bouche, drops the "hip hop sucks" card.. I like to counter with something like Latyrx or some other underground group that gets completely overshadowed by the bling sporting no talents that have dominated the commercial airwaves since the late 90s. so I present Lady Don't Tek No by Latyrx.. enjoy! osnCVm0lCdE
  17. though technically not streaming radio (it's a streaming radio show) hip hop/soul/funk heads should really get off on Montreal's WEFUNK Radio: http://www.wefunkradio.com/ Those who like a bit more electronica in their funk and hip hop would enjoy the Solid Steel stream from NinjaTune: http://www.ninjatune.net/solidsteel/
  18. yeah.. Vinnie Vincent is not an attractive man...
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