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Everything posted by ollie

  1. VERY interesting. I'm inclined to think this is brilliant but let's see how it plays out.
  2. They televised everything. I only caught bits of Sheryl Crow and then McDonald singing America the Beautiful. It was a pretty amazing spectacle but by the time they got to Obama I was spent.
  3. ollie

    Fall Election

    Thanks phishtaper! :thumbup:
  4. Rumour I read is Tampa Bay, but they need to trade for the compensatory picks first. No way should Murray match that.
  5. ollie

    US Open

    Don't speak so soon... women's #1 upset in the second round! I think Federer needs to take the title to keep his feud with Nadal running. Nadal wins another so soon and it kinda loses steam for next season. On the women's side I'd like to see Safina in the final, if not the outright winner. She's the most interesting womens player to come along in a few years.
  6. Sorry to hear about all the shit you're dealing with but stay strong dude, good times just might be right around the corner.
  7. If Berbatov wants Champions League experience so badly, why not a straight up trade for Arshavin with Zenit?
  8. Holy fack. Who wants my ticket? Seriously, they must have timed this to purposefully conflict with the band with the most alcohol-fueled fans. Fuckers. P.S. My avatar photo was taken post-Crue in Montreal.
  9. So Chong is stoned out of his gourd and doesn't recognize his friend at the door. Hilarious.
  10. Can someone explain to me what's so funny about "Dave's not here"?
  11. "Stereo" always used to give me the douche chills.
  12. ollie

    Fall Election

    I haven't been following Canadian politics very closely lately. What are the predictions if there is a fall election? Does Harper have a chance at a majority? If not, what a waste of energy. All it would accomplish is to accelerate the jettisoning of Dion, which is only good for the Liberals in the long run.
  13. Integrate that with dynamic audio and you've got something! That was pretty wicked on its on own though.
  14. Great. AD posts an image of a black square. Low Roller posts a white one. Wicked guys.
  15. Have you read Freak By Night's Blue Oyster Cult review yet? http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/248691/
  16. Sounds like fun. These guys would be a blast at Bluesfest.
  17. I am currently loving this album!! Anyone else on a Zoomer kick? I think it's better than Queen Mary. And in terms of new releases by bands I dig, better than the new Hold Steady. Caught Wolf Parade almost by accident on a recent trip to Quebec City, they were putting on a free show as part of the ongoing 400th anniversary festivities. Great, great show. I would love to see them again soon.
  18. Look at the latin name: Salvia elegans Can we smoke it?
  19. ollie

    New AC/DC

    Can't wait to steal it.
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