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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ollie

    web browser

    You've never met an upgrade that you didn't like. MoMack, I'd go with Firefox and disable the tab browsing if you don't like it so much.
  2. I'll play the hobby horse.
  3. Do you have Boys and Girls in America by The Hold Steady?
  4. The apathetic shall inherit the earth.
  5. No, I'm the guy who does say "Excuse me"... and then I get the crack look that Cully is talking about.
  6. What makes you think my cynicism isn't sincere?
  7. Malls are complete anarchy and deserve a thread of their own.
  8. how do you know you're not the one walking directly towards them? [i say that b/c i find myself in this situation rather frequently] Rules of the road apply to the rules of the sidewalk... keep to the right. What irks me is two people approaching me, walking side by side, and they expect ME to get out of the way?
  9. add to that those able-bodied people who take the elevator down one floor. Good one. Also, people who use the handicap button to open the door. First of all it's a lot faster to open the door manually. Secondly, please realize how fortunate you are not to have to use that button.
  10. Sing it sister! Sometimes I take this occasion to be a dick, announcing to the herd of lemmings as I make my way past, "You know, there are a lot of seats at the back of the bus." Idiot at the rear door sometimes gets the, "Oh, you're not getting off at the next stop?" Add to that list bus riders who get on for one stop. It's unbelievable to me that someone would wait at McKenzie King bridge to catch a bus to go all of 100 meters to the next stop at Ottawa U.
  11. This seems to imply that beating or burning women alive is not banned in other towns. Don't we have assault laws to cover this stuff?
  12. Who other than SteveThe Owl has discussed the issue in this thread? And what is the issue? Boobies?
  13. Y'all realize that you're feeding animals to your pets, right? Isn't that cruelty in itself? I don't buy IAMS for other reasons but I wouldn't sweat it if I did.
  14. I turned it off at the first sign of animal cruelty videos. [color:purple]Way to get their message across. PETA is a cult of personality. Might as well give your money to Scientology for all the good it's going to do.
  15. FLY ON A WINDSHIELD!! I would love nero to do this song.
  16. Gerber never played for Montreal. But he'll be between the pipes tonight!
  17. Aren't PETA against owning pets in the first place?
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