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Everything posted by ollie

  1. What a run by Marshawn Lynch! The way he punched back that defender was amazing. Great game. Perfect start to the playoffs.
  2. You call a fucking quarterback sneak! A quarterback sneak! WTF was with that play call?!
  3. ollie

    Azz Whoopin'

    Wow. I read all the comments here before watching the video and expected some totally entitled punk ass behaviour on behalf of the kid but all I saw was an asshole of an uncle. A major fucking asshole. On another note, who is the viral marketing firm behind this video bouche?
  4. Hard for me to make that comparison since I wasn't of drinking or driving age in the late '70s/early '80s, what I am presuming to be the golden age of drinking and driving. But I am shocked at the number of people I know just at work, for example, who have no compunction about driving completely sloshed. So I really do wonder if less people drink & drive now than before.
  5. Bah, shitty that Spurs had to lose but at least Scum vs. Scum City ended up a draw. Shame they couldn't gain ground on Chavs. Everton were good, enjoyed the match at least.
  6. Jaimoe beat me to the Dave Stieb reference.
  7. This veer into drunk driving reminds me of an article I read recently: Abolish Drunk Driving Laws Poignant excerpt: As you can see the issue isn't as simple as the "if having checkpoints gets just 1 drunk driver off the street then it's a justified method" argument.
  8. When did the Ducks cut George Parros?
  9. New Orleans Indianapolis Baltimore Philadelphia
  10. Oh yeah, all due respect to the Arkansas team. They played great to come back like that but yeah, too many dropped balls.
  11. That was a glorious finish. Glad I stayed up for it. Fuck Bobby Petrino and the redneck Arkansas fans!
  12. When did you become so coherent YT? Bravo!
  13. Ladies and gentlemen, saving the best for last, the skank post of the year goes to... Freak By Night. :clapclap:
  14. ollie

    Xmas CD's

    Great streaming radio station here: http://somafm.com/play/xmasinfrisko
  15. That sucks. I hope it doesn't impede any drinking plans! Happy Holidays!
  16. Hey Hal, half the time you post I think it's c-towns. Have a good one!
  17. ollie

    Crock Pot

    Oh don't get me wrong... I hate brussel sprouts too, but my mom insists on them. That's why I'm looking for a way to jazz them up.
  18. ollie

    Crock Pot

    I'm doing turkey (breasts, skin on, bone in) in the crock pot this year. Should be good and frees up the oven. Anyone have a good recipe for brussel sprouts?
  19. I hear ya Booche, but I'll take a "Happy Holidays" over the "Have a good one" I got in a store today.
  20. I'm not sure if this is the same thing as the situation you describe but I add and remove channels all the time and I usually get a pro-rated adjustment on my bill if I cancel in the middle of a billing period. I ONLY have cable with Rogers so maybe that's the difference. BTW, isn't Videotron the Rogers equivalent in Quebec land?
  21. Hey NW, Wasn't it also your intention to screw over Rogers? You said your plan was to bail on them just as your free months were up. A little bit of karma maybe?
  22. My aversion to streaming is that I don't want it to affect my internet bandwidth. Right now I get my internet via DSL (phone line) and my TV via cable. So... the stuff I watch on TV doesn't slow down my internet connection. I like that. Also, the sports in HD thing.
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