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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Not if Metallica allowed it to be there. Some bands have their own video channels on YouTube, for example. IN GENERAL you're safe with YouTube. Typically when an "illegal" video gets posted the copyright owner requests that it be taken down and you'll see that it's no longer available.
  2. Comcast endures major Internet outage on the East Coast
  3. Mm hmm. Seriously great entertainment listening to Mike Eastwood on the post-game show after a loss. It's going to give him a heart attack pretty soon.
  4. Were you one of the idiots, sorry, misinformed people, calling in to the post-game show last night? It doesn't matter who is in nets if the team in front of him doesn't score goals. I think the goaler debate is low on the list of worries right now. Sens looked like they dropped a gear as soon as they went up 1-0, figuring it was going to be a gravy night. Alfredsson looked like Chris Kelly on that breakaway attempt. Gerber'd. Thanks for the Hartsburg reminder. I totally forget about him for long stretches of time.
  5. Knock those prices down and you might open the market to people who think the price is too high but don't necessarily want a knock off either.
  6. Of course, Gerber was always going to beat us. Just too perfect.
  7. ollie

    Crock Pot

    Turned out great. Not the best cut to use for feeding a crowd as there wasn't a lot of meat on the bones but perfect for 2 with leftovers. Economical at about $4 for 3 lbs.
  8. Ha, ha, I was just going to post that. Sad but true.
  9. I thought it was obvious I was joking. I like The Alpha Nerd and meant nothing personal. I forget sometimes that most of the people reading the board don't know me and I shouldn't assume they know I'm horsing around half the time. I did think before posting "nigga please" but figured it was a ubiquitous enough pop culture phrase that I'd get a pass. One of the things I love most about the skank is these threads that start off serious then once the pissing contest is over veer into the ridiculous. I also included myself in the asshole comment. In that case I purposefully chose to use strong language to make my point. I assumed everyone in this thread had thick enough skin to take it. So, yeah, my human decency won't be reflected in everything I post here. I think that would get pretty saccharine anyway.
  10. ollie

    Crock Pot

    I'm making pulled pork sandwiches using the crock pot tomorrow. I couldn't find pork shoulder so picked up some pork shoulder riblets instead. Looks like it will work. Anyone know if that's a reasonable substitute?
  11. I don't think anyone here is a bad person and I'm really not trying to lay a guilt trip on anybody, just trying to make people realize their role in getting to the point of this legislation while also touching on the impact of song stealing on other facets of the industry, like record stores, which I assumed we all (non-casual music fans) love.
  12. Ollie, last time I checked you were white. It's a turn of phrase.
  13. What I should have said was, "Aren't you going to miss shopping in record stores?" I still like to browse the aisles, hold a disc in my hand and check it out. And once again hamilton says exactly what I wanted to say.
  14. I don't have a particular opinion on them and yes I have. I see where you have the exchange of music on a physical medium without the artist, label et al being compensated for it. But there is at least a transfer of ownership whereby the original owner no longer has access to the material. This isn't the same as the owner making the material available in a digital format, retaining ownership and allowing an unknown multiple of people to acquire the material that they would otherwise have to pay for.
  15. Aren't you going to miss record stores? *Only* a few executives have profited from the music industry? Artists don't profit from it at all? Nigga please! So who's going to pay for studio time once people stop buying records?
  16. Sure, and I'm not as harsh on this topic as I'm probably coming across but when intelligent, reasonable people who should know better start peddling self delusional arguments in order to justify their behaviour I have to call them out on it. Kev talks about consumers getting fucked yet he's one of the first people to share a SendSpace-type link whenever an album or artist is mentioned. I respect you Kev and understand you do it out of generosity but do you not see at least a little bit of a double standard there? Basically, can we not consider this issue with a modicum more clarity?
  17. Wait a minute... I paid for it. What's it doing in her car? She's stealing!! P.S. Mr. Slippery you best get on this new album, it is excellent. As are many of the post-2000 discs, which I've criminally ignored for too long.
  18. I can't help feeling this is one of those internet conversations that would be so much easier to have in person. I'm also not doing this complex issue justice so out for now.
  19. That stream of zero's and one's (nice attempt at obfuscation, btw) has a financial cost when purchased through legitimate channels. By bypassing that process you are in effect stealing.
  20. That sounds like a pain in the ass. Plus I'd feel bad for making the little guy do all the work only for me to buy at a big box store. My question still remains: has anyone actually done this?
  21. That crown should really go to Cosmic ChrisC. She's had The Final Frontier in her car stereo for over 3 months straight now!
  22. Thanks guys! Booche forwarded me the link as well. I am definitely ordering that when I get home tonight!!
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