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Everything posted by bradm

  1. bradm

    Taper Help

    :thumbup: Are you planning on uploading the Fatties recording? (When I do the channel-copying thing in Audacity, either on an entire recording or on selected tracks or track segments, I usually include a note about what I did in the info/text file I create for the recording.) Aloha, Brad
  2. bradm

    Taper Help

    No problem. I remember asking the same question on http://www.taperssection.com (which is well worth joining) and getting sent step-by-step instructions. You should also make sure you back things up (e.g., don't export from Audacity on top of the file you started with, use a different file name or put it in a different folder) until you're absolutely sure everything is the way you want it. Aloha, Brad
  3. bradm

    Taper Help

    If you're talking about doing this after the fact (as opposed to patching a single soundboard source to both channels during a show), you can use Audacity to do what you want. Once you get it downloaded and installed (it's free), here's what to do (assuming you're starting with a WAV file): Start up Audacity, and open up the WAV file you want to mess with (i.e., click on the "File" menu, then the "Open..." item, then navigate to where the file lives, and open it up). You should see a pair of waveforms, with a block on the left side with info on the file (e.g., its name, "Stereo, 44100Hz", etc.). At the top of the block, right beside the file name is a downward-pointing arrow; this is a menu, so click on it. One of the items in the menu is "Split Stereo Track"; click on this item. After you do, you should see two separate individual waveforms, each with its own block of info to the left. In the block for the empty channel, click on the little "x" in the top-left corner to get rid of the waveform. In the "Project" menu in Audacity, click on the "New Audio Track" menu item. This should bring up a new, blank, waveform. Click somewhere on the other waveform (the one you want to have in both channels), and then press "Ctrl-A" (i.e., hold down the "Ctrl" key while you press the "a" key; this is a shortcut for "select all"). Then press "Ctrl-C" to copy the channel to the clipboard. Click somewhere in the waveform part of the other (blank) channel, and then press "Ctrl-V" to paste the original channel in. You're almost done. In the top (original) waveform block on the left, click on that little menu to the right of the file name. There's a menu item labelled "Make Stereo Track" (it's right above "Split Stereo Track"); click on it. You should now have almost what you started with, except both of the waveforms will be the same (as opposed to one of them being empty). Then go to the "File" menu and use the "Export WAV..." menu item to save it all to whatever file you want. Aloha, Brad
  4. Close. It was "Love Sick" (and thanks for telling the title to me during the show; I never would have got it). Aloha, Brad
  5. When shifted, can you odd drive? Aloha, Brad
  6. I do, in an at-least kind of way. But my monthly salary is zero dollars. Aloha, Brad
  7. Songs you'd like to see/play on guitar hero/rock band 1. Guns n Roses - Locomotive 2. Ratdog - Loser 3. Moe - Rebubula 4. Frank Zappa - Shut Up'n Play Yer Guitar Some More Aloha, Brad
  8. Maybe, but you get a tax deduction for RRSP contributions, which you don't get for TFSA contributions. Aloha, Brad
  9. If the 50% figure is a percentage of the membership rather than the total number of votes cast, maybe? (That is, a constitution might require that a contract only be accepted if more than half of the union's toal number of members vote in favour of it. So if only 49% of the members voted, even if they all voted in favour of it, the contract would be rejected.) (I don't think the union is set up that way, but I don't see any reason they couldn't be.) Aloha, Brad
  10. I saw an interview with the union head, and he seemed to think that all he needed to reject the offer was 50% + 1 against it, so I'd assume yes. Aloha, Brad
  11. http://www.archive.org/details/JSB2008-11-29 Aloha, Brad
  12. My recording of the Sunday, January 4, 2009 show by David Lauzon at Swizzles in Ottawa, ON is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/dlauzon2009-01-04.superlux.flac16 The show was part of the annual Dusty Owl "Chocolate House" fund-raiser for the Ottawa Food Bank; special thanks to SteveTheOwl for putting this event on. Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  13. It's an old picture, too, as I think that was a special Gibson Les Paul (a Jimmy Page signature model, autographed by Page, IIRC) that Lauzon Music got their hands on a while back. Aloha, Brad
  14. I did some searching for "lauzon" and found http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Going+Part/1137503/story.html Aloha, Brad
  15. You only bought six? Aloha, Brad
  16. If anyone can give me a ride (of any manner or level of headiness) from the Lincoln Fields area to and/or from this, I'd really appreciate it. I'd be aiming to get there about 1:30pm. Aloha, Brad
  17. Part of me thinks that if I were the head of the union, I'd call for that vote to happen as soon as possible (e.g., today, Friday, Jan. 2, 2009). If the head of the union believes that the membership will overwhelmingly reject the offer, the vote will flip things right back at Mayor O'Brien; on the other hand, if the membership accepts the offer, then the strike will at least be over, albeit at the cost of the union head having lost some face. Are there any heady (or non-heady) rides available to Irene's tonight? Aloha, Brad
  18. My recording of the Wednesday, December 31, 2008 show by James McKenty And The Spades at Mavericks in Ottawa, ON is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/jmats2008-12-31.superlux.flac16 Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  19. Happy Day, carstairs! Aloha, Brad
  20. [color:purple]Yes, it should have. Aloha, Brad
  21. Labour minister orders transit vote Aloha, Brad
  22. From the latest entry on their main web page: Aloha, Brad
  23. They're in Albany on March 31, NW, so that'd make a nice two-fer if you're driving from Ottawa. Aloha, Brad
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