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Everything posted by bradm

  1. bradm


    Would it be OK to mention being a fan of Dizzy Gillespie's Afro-Cuban music? I think he had a connection to Sandoval. Aloha, Brad
  2. Happy Day, edger! Aloha, Brad
  3. They just joined the Live Music Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/BlitzenTrapper There aren't any recordings uploaded yet, though. Aloha, Brad
  4. As well, have you tried another cable? Maybe it's what's messing up. If you have another amp, trying the Strat in it might tell if it's the guitar or the amp. Aloha, Brad
  5. If your amp has more than one input, try the Strat with the other one, as it might just be the amp input you were using. If the problem happens with both inputs, it could either be the guitar, or something in the amp's circuitry after the inputs. (Just yesterday afternoon, I repaired the "High" input jack on my Roland JC-50 amp. The springy metal bit that engaged the crimped tip of the plug on the end of the cable was bent a bit out of shape, and it went from being flaky to not working at all. I took the back off, pulled out the circuitry pan, and bent the metal bit back into shape. HOWEVER. The JC-50 is a solid-state amp. Tube amps, however, can be seriously deadly to work on, as they have seriously large capacitors that can hold a big charge for a very long time. Aside from replacing tubes, I wouldn't work on any of my tube amps.) Aloha, Brad
  6. My recording of the Saturday, January 24, 2009 show by Acres at Mavericks in Ottawa, ON is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/acres2009-01-24.superlux.flac16 Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  7. My recording of the Saturday, January 24, 2009 show by The Jimmy Swift Band at Mavericks in Ottawa, ON is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/jsb2009-01-24.superlux.flac16 Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  8. My favourite Zappa albums are (in no particular order) "Zappa In New York", "Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar", "The Yellow Shark", and "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Volume 2". As for songs, it's tougher, but the Inca-Roads-derived tunes on "Shut Up..." rank high for me (as does "five-five-FIVE", "Canarsie", and "Ship Ahoy"); "Montana" is a fave as well. Aloha, Brad
  9. It might not be the input. IIRC, Strats have one volume knob for everything, so it might be a bad solder joint on the volume potentiometer. Aloha, Brad
  10. Is it just one pickup (or one of the combinations that the switch selects), or do all of them go out? Aloha, Brad
  11. Yet another idealistic idea: have the head of OC Transpo (maybe the whole top level of its management), the mayor, and the members of transport committee be compensated, it whole or in part, based on ridership, in effect paying them a commission (some fraction of a cent, say) for every OC Transpo rider (or sold ticket, or sold monthly or yearly pass) in a given period of time. And of course, with a strike on, there wouldn't be any riders, so that part of their compensation would drop to zero. Aloha, Brad
  12. I wonder: if Mayor O'Brien (or Alan Mercier) didn't have a car, would the strike still be on? What I think I want, not just for the strike but for public transit in general, is to make those in charge of public transit (city council members, including the mayor, and management at OC Transpo) reliant on the service over which they have authority. For example, I could see those people given a task once a month (or once a week, or both, with the weekly tasks being easy ones, and the monthly tasks harder ones) that they have to complete without the use of their (or their families') vehicles. The task would be randomly chosen, and would be the equivalent of an errand: go to a certain place in the city (a doctor's office, a store, a coffee shop, whatever) at a certain time (rush hour, mid-day, evening, night), and get a form filled out indicating the task had been completed; a high percentage of the tasks would simply be "Get to and from work". Proof of completion of the task would also include the bus transfers that were received, and maybe even printouts of OC Transpo web pages that show how the person planned how to get where they were supposed to be (pictures might be good, too, to show that the task was peformed by the actual person and not an underling). If the tasked person had to write a short (one-page, maybe) report on their experience, so much the better. (I would also allow for an exemption for those people who are already reliant on OC Transpo.) I'd really be interested in the reactions of the to-be-tasked to this idea. Any of them who said, "Hey, that's a great idea. It'll get me into parts of the city I wouldn't necessarily go, and will give me first-hand real-world experience of an important system that a lot of my constituents rely on, which will help me make the system better for them and me." would be far more likely to get my support. Aloha, Brad
  13. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/250517/ I'm planning on being there, bus strike and cab fare be damned. Anyone else? Aloha, Brad
  14. I had my recorder patched into the station's console, and have uploaded what I recorded (after a bit of normalizing, to help boost the levels of the music tracks, which were a bit low) to the Live Music Archive: http://www.archive.org/details/ingjack2009-01-22.sbd.flac16 Aloha, BRad
  15. The Thursday, January 22, 2009 performance by Inglewood Jack on the Ottawa Live Music program on CKCU-FM (both of whom IJ heartfully thanks) is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/ingjack2009-01-22.sbd.flac16 Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  16. Thanks for listening in, we had a blast doing it, and were amazed that we could fit us and all our gear into the room, which is about 9' x 9', tops. We're hoping to set something up before then (February, maybe), but it's tough for us to find bands to do shows with. Here there be dragons. I've sung in public once, and as a solo act to boot, and I doubt very strongly I'll do it again. Aloha, Brad
  17. bradm

    archive ?

    From http://www.archive.org/iathreads/post-view.php?id=228293 Aloha, Brad
  18. http://www.jambase.com/Articles/16403/Akron.Family-Tour.Album reports that Akron/Family will be doing some dates in Southern Ontario and Montreal: Aloha, Brad
  19. Another one courtesy of Accordion Guy: Aloha, Brad
  20. Should I be worried that I'm seeing banner ads here promoting "Social networking for followers of the Christian faith"? Aloha, Brad
  21. Inglewood Jack (rehearsal), 2009-01-21. Aloha, Brad
  22. I'll probably be at the Ottawa show on Saturday, but I'm not looking forward to the extra $50 or so it'll cost me in cab fare to get to Mavericks and then home again. Aloha, Brad
  23. bradm


    That's entirely obvious. But is it similarly obvious that the police should be able to lay charges (that have nothing to do with the reason 911 was called) as a result of what they see while they're looking around? (I'm not sure it is.) Aloha, Brad
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