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Everything posted by AdamH

  1. I was taking a piss at the Carp gas station where the donair guy is but he'd closed up shop...at 3:30 on a Sunday?! Don't think that's going to last, don't know why they didn't open it in a more central location
  2. Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Luke Bowden:
  3. I won't be there but congratulations BNB...it seems like more than 10 years ago I was high on doobies in the Comfort Zone, cosmic steve was STILL in need of a haircut and I was listening to your inaugural album...on weeeeeeeeed......in my parent's basement.
  4. No but I have a few of his albums. They sort of rule and sort of suck at varying points because I don't think he was much of a bandleader, just one hell of a drummer.
  5. AdamH

    The Mad Dash

    They've been showing an awful lot of "The hilarious house of Frightenstein" on the Space network and I'm having an awfully good time remembering it and watching it.
  6. Phorbesie did touch on the point though that they're not going to be more receptive the louder you get so where is any of that really going? The ranting, hooting and hollering you're doing here, if taken there would only give them more reason to ignore you and what your writing. What if you started posting a few of your show and album reviews to their message board and see where that takes you? From a PR standpoint the controversy that you're already generating is great and someone there will eventually take notice of reviews coming from "that same shit-disturber". You definitely have a flair for creative and challenging writing but it sometimes comes off like you need to talk over the reader. If you'd rather not make your art accessible by general people like Exclaim! readers that's ok, but yelling at the orange to become an apple is...well....fruitless.
  7. I received the following rant from a pro-Israel relative. It is credited to Dennis Miller but it's not his work (See: http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/overview.asp
  8. Yeah you should correct the grammar before sending it in but presumably you use spellcheck so it's a non-issue. Maybe I'm naive but I think that Exclaim! would cover bands like the slip if the readership or coolness was there. The timing might be right with them opening for MMJ even though that speaks nothing of their 10+ years going hard and strong. I think the letter's well written buddy but I wouldn't expect much response from their end. Do you remember my friend Andy from Hillside (the Korean dude). He writes for exclaim so if you want his email address I can pass it on, maybe he has some suggestions.
  9. Good thing it was only 2/10ths of a pound of mushrooms and not a 1/5th of a pound.
  10. I don't understand why you would even bother posting this message if you have no idea what diazinon is, or how to answer Willy's question? Nematodes and bacillus thuringiensis sound scary too, good thing they were used to grow your organic broccoli hippie.
  11. Oh Jesus Christ people it was a fair question....there's no need to jump all over a neighbour who merely offered advice and convict them of being anti-environmentalists. I'm not pro-pesticide but their dangers have as much to do with misapplication as it does usage. At least localcrew managed to buck the burnout stereotype by answering the fucking question.
  12. Yes I feel this same way and I don't know why. I really want to will myself to like them more than I do...which is good enough to see a bit of a lvie set but not enough to put their albums on.
  13. God that was loud That was extremely loud too. But the loudest for me was the Foo Fighters at...Opera House maybe..in about 1998. Stood next to the speaker for the entire show and couldn't hear much for a day. The Pixies last year in Hull was also pretty painful.
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