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Everything posted by AdamH

  1. My word that site is something. I spent the weekend putting some Bob Marley torrents up but I had to do some serious digging in the CD collection as so much of what I have is already there. The e-learning videos is interesting. I see that the 3-disc instructional DVD by John Mclaughlin "this is how I do it" is up there. How long before I get invites to send to other people? I've upped 2Gb or so.
  2. Seems like a weird fit for the site but regardless might as well inject something unique into a "scene" that has really tanked by and large. I don't see anything wrong with the review.
  3. This movie is outstanding and yes, it takes a hell of a genius to put it together. It sounds as if some people viewed it in the same vein as Jackass which is just balls out stupidity. Borat on the other hand, while there's certainly some balls-out scenes, requires real comedic skill and excellent delivery. It's telling that Hugh Laurie (whose SNL performance was one of the best I've seen in like 5 years) and Sacha are friends. "Her vagine look like sleeve of wizard's robe"
  4. That's good news...I'll always have a soft spot for the city and I'm glad to hear it's taking the right kind of step. I say that as we've now elected Larry O'Brien in Ottawa, which is shit. This morning in bridgehead I heard a guy actually say to his friend "Thank goodness that fucking queer Munter didn't make it in" Unbelievable!
  5. I'll be in the 'Fax over the holidays. The only thing confirmed is at least one dinner at the Economy Shoe Shop but I'd like in on any good shows happening.
  6. SASHIMI SASHIMI SASHIMI SASHIMI I had to, it was driving me bananas
  7. Unless you're an amputee you can start any thread you want.
  8. AdamH

    Easy Pho Ga

    Oh god that makes me sound sick. I added the full 1/4 cup that's in that recipe and was thinking about adding more. I loved making that Pho recipe but I think I crossed that familiar threshold of "Gee this is delicious but I've now spent $25 on something that costs $6.96 at a restaurant...and only take 10 minutes to come to the table". So that's where I'm at with Pho. Here is a great thread from eGullet on Asian Noodle Soups with a ton of pictures and recipes.
  9. I love Manchego. I liked the aged provolone from Nicastro's which is unprocessed. In terms of cheeses I WANT to love it's the raw milk varieties. I've tried all sorts, I want to love them, but the smell is a challenge.
  10. Listening to The Information right now...seriously folks Beck should get more respect than you're giving.
  11. Holy coincidence batman, we ordered Fida's last night and I'm with AD..it is fantastic. Yes, the store location is a bit odd and the interior is spartan but you can't beat a place where pick-up is half-price! Yeah that's right, half-price! It's more of a Colonnade-style excess cheese type of pizza, infinitely greasy but really...12.26 for a large four-topping pizza? Insane!
  12. They really really did kick ass. As did their Muchmusic performance with Ritesh and the rest of the Toronto Tabla Ensemble. It's like anything...a band that WAS good that later sucked is more painful than a band (ex. Cavern) who really wasn't any good to begin with.
  13. AdamH

    Easy Pho Ga

    So I made Pho from scratch last night and it's pretty simple. You can get the oxtails at Hartman's, Grace, and definitely Kowloon. Here's the recipe I used: http://recipes.egullet.org/recipes/r1590.html?PHPSESSID=101b42dfe97b4e3e7a9bcb23dcaeda76
  14. AdamH

    Cookbook fun

    You should really get "Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet" if you don't own it already. It's great.
  15. Someone mentioned Phillys n' Wings on Bank and I'd have to say yeah, that place is right fucked up. I couldn't even chance going there for fear of food poisoning. What is the sketchiest restaurant you've observed/been to?
  16. It is down to three options for us: Manx - Mashed potatoes rather than homefries...fantastic breakfast specials and their sausage rivals the farmer's sausage at StoneFace. And a delicious huevos ranchero's Dim Sum - because sometimes there isn't enough salt in a traditional breakfast. I've been to Mello's and it's a good time, especially at 4 in the morning when all the King Edward Ave. Prostitutes go. Amazingly Lisa (the huge chick) seems to be there 24 hours a day! You have to get a milkshake with your breakfast at Mello's, and Mike I agree with youthat their homefries (the shredded variety) are quite tasty...and you can ask for onions on them. Some of my blackburn hamlet friends love going to Louis'...I think on innes road...for a cheap breakfast.
  17. I will have to try this as generally Donairs don't do it for me. on Wednesday's I can be found eating pizza in 1 plus 1 across the street from the Friendly Corner. Best cheap-ass pizza in Ottawa that I've found so far in 3 years of investigation.I know, it's not fancy and the guys there are rude but the pie is good.
  18. He's a fucking prick but it's a shame because when the first album came out I dug them. Jeff Martin doing rails in the bathroom at Gypsy Co-Op in 2001...confirmed...but not surprising.
  19. Disgusting. If you buy and cook a ham and slice it and put it in the freezer, it'll cost you like 30 cents a sandwich and be way healthier than this pre-packaged shit. Same goes for roast beef, that $40 sirloin may look expensive but if it makes 50 sandwiches you are ahead of the game.
  20. AdamH

    The Hold Steady

    "Guys go for looks, girls go for status"
  21. You mentioned Opera and Tool. You'd let me know if this band sounded like East Village Opera Company Right? I fucking HHHHAAAAAAATTTEEE their shtick with a passion.
  22. That's an strange interpretation but fair play to you. I actually saw it more as being the rivalry of two bands and ultimately the thirst for celebrity of the individuals rather than pretension. And like the Daniel Johnston doc yet another case study on what art troubled minds produce
  23. I'm actually going to skip that generation of windows if I can (still chugging along with a P3-450 and win2000 thanks very much) and move over to OS X. Maybe at some point I'll want a dual-boot system with both but can't see a reason to stay with Windows when a new MacBook pro comes along in the distant future (like, tax return future maybe).
  24. Kids in the Hall, Trailer Park Boys...early Rick Mercer Report (it's hit and miss lately), the always fantastic SCTV, and let's not forget early Tom Green.
  25. I agree with this one for sure: Judas Priest – British Steel A really cool metal album, maybe a little conventional but great listening.
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