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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. there are limits as to what you can exhaust into the outside atmosphere, and that includes odour.

    and i'm pretty sure maple leaf killed their hamilton expansion a few months ago because of zoning issues, or roads or something like that.

  2. i work for an environmental consultant and i work on various companies within the automotive industry CofA's (certificate of approval) every single day. i was amazed that with all the government regulations and such that a company can actually make changes to, or open a plant without a CofA.

    i've seen companies run for months with changes that dramatically increase/decrease their exhaust output without the ministry knowing. and it's not that they don't know, it's that it takes a very long time to complete and submit these reports, and once submitted it can take months for approval. what's a company supposed to do? shut down their entire production line for 6 months because they had to change the diameter, or height of a smoke stack? or add a new one in to properly ventilate the interior? in fact, we made an application for an amendment to the existing CofA for one company in june 2004, and it still hasn't been approved, and we just submitted another one that made changes to the changes that hadn't been approved yet. and THAT report took 6 months to build.

    these are huge reports with lengthy waiting times for approval. it's really frustrating to see the scare tactics put into place in that piece. hamilton is an industrial city that's had so many shut downs. we need new industry. humans need new fuel. i really hope that this goes through because i personally think it would be great.

  3. buck and does, jack and jills, stag and does....they're different then bachelor/bachelorette parties. it's a party that engaged people throw to raise money for their wedding. you buy a ticket, there are usually lots of games you pay to play, 50/50 draws and draws for donated prizes.

  4. ok i have no experience with lentils, but i do like italian wedding soup and that has lentils...and i like coconut too...so i'ma try this next week. but i have some questions...

    i'm assuming that lentils come dry.....would all that water get absorbed? cause i don't see a step that says "strain lentils'

    what does broken down mean? when they've turned to mush? when they're soft? how long does that take?

    and i'm assuming that dal is the now broken down lentils + seasonings right?

    wow...i always thought i knew how to cook hehe

  5. do you normally keep your pantry and fridge stocked? so you can make a wide variety of things at any given point? (kinda like my mum's house) and just buy what you need to top up on once weekly?


    do you go out and buy the things you'll need for the next few days or week and make do with what you got yourself? obviously this option would limit your choices....or you'd constantly run to the store when inspiration struck.

    recently i've been looking at recipe magazines and cooking at home a lot more and i'm slowly shifting from option 2 to option 1 as i get things that i don't use for awhile. and it's kinda frustrating seeing something i want to make and not having 1 thing that goes in it.

  6. I couldn't care less about them being a "jamband" I think their music is just as much of a yawnfest as the Slip!

    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatever. you better shut it before i expose you for the fan you are.

    coldplay holds as much musical interest for me as pearl jam or u2....well wait, coldplay doesn't inspire spontaneous vomiting like the other 2, i should give credit where it's due.

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