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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. marco, i think you're trying to draw attention away from your own smooth jazz listenings by pointing the finger at our fair friend kenny. everyone knows your whackmaster play list is a medley of your favourite smooth jazz classics....i don't know how you manage to time your climax with the sax solo everytime though.

  2. yeah carrie, remember i told you about this at the Franke show? bring your crew down.

    We were going to do this on Saturday, but we're crackin the kegs early in honour of the fatties after party. did i mention that togas will be acceptable wear at this kegger?

    i personally ONLY like green beer, not that i'll be drinking much of it anyways....i'm wondering if we should reconsider the green dye though, considering our spilly friends and my whtie carpet.

  3. mudslide sounds EXTREMELY similar to a song that i've heard a million times with cully, but don't know what it's called or who sings it. he'd know what i was talking about.

    that's the second time i've thought that about a slip song. i've always thought that nellie jean sounded a LOT like bela's big country.

  4. thanks so much brad for taping and seeding this so fast. listening to it right now.

    coupla q's....

    1) does anyone know the name of d1t10? i know i heard this song on my last bout of shows at the end of 2004, so it's gotta have a name, i just can't remember what it is.

    2) mudslide is a cover right? of who?

  5. ok, i'm all for unrealistic expectations and all, but come on....the HORSESHOE?? i'm also all for small intimate venues...but the fucking horseshoe? legendary status aside and all...that place is the WORST small space to see a sold out show in.

    i wouldn't mind seein moe in say....tequila lounge...with both sides of the bar heavily staffed. there really should be a tender there for every 3 linear feet of bar.

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