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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. Alexis my friend

    We want to rock it out extra hard for you tonight. The Vanderpark set is dedicated to you. We hope you can come and check us out


    Wow...a whole set dedicated to me!! and i missed it...booooo.

    sadly for ALL the bands, i couldn't make it as i was uber sick last week but look forward to makin it to see y'all rock it out again...except kaesun...it was good while it lasted. shain, let's do lunch or something this week. i'm off wednesday and friday.

  2. Today I had the best dining experience!

    I went to The Derby for breakfast. it's located on queenston, east of where main turns into queenston on the north side of the street. it's a country bar that has a motel in it and a dining room up front. uber cheese. it has a big sign on the front of it that says THE D E R B Y (derby is vertical) in light bulbs!

    my dad used to take me there when i was a kid for bfast sometimes before school. when i was old enough i went on my own on my spares in high school and when i still lived in hamilton.

    I'd been back a few times but the old waitress wasn't there and they'd shut down the dining room for some reason, forcing you to eat in the bar which added a dash too much creep factor for me. old men, listening to country music drinking beer from old 75 cent draught sized glasses at noon don't really appeal to me.

    so i thought i'd try it again today. i go in, and the dining room is open! yey!!! and guess who's there? Elaine! the old waitress is back! with the same hair style, and same shade of lipstick. sadly, 5 or 6 years and 30 added pounds haven't been kind to elaine who must be between 50 and 60 by now. but you can tell she still likes or at least at one point knew how to party....country style.

    so, with country music playing, i looked at the old menu. still the same. i got wicked fast service (although, it was 30 minutes to close, and i was the only one there). no refill on the coffee...which is usually a tick, but i didn't really need it. (surprisingly)

    this is what i got for $4.89 including taxes

    3 eggs

    2 gi-gantor sausages

    homefries with that red seasoning salt on them


    whole wheat toast

    pleasant, friendly service from elaine

    i was in and out in 25 minutes. that my friends is what breakfast should be. So, the dining room is open on saturday and sundays only from 7-2 i believe (i'm not sure on the times, but definitely till 2) check this place out!

    i decided to take my trip down memory lane a bit further and went exploring my old childhood stomping grounds in the lower part of red hill valley. if you do go for breakfast there, take parkdale to king st and go check out the development of the red hill creek expressway. it's like a giant cement tounge that's been unfurled through the valley. it's sooooo sad. but with some creative driving i managed to make sure that a bunch of my favourite things about the valley like the falls were still intact and had a nice hike with darius too!

  3. ok, i have a 2 friends that are a couple. one of them has worked as a waitress for bunches of years. going out to eat with them for some is highly entertaining and others it's an embarassmend. (like my spelling while i'm hawked up on cough medicine)

    i'm one who demands good service and as a result of working and giving good service so is she. when you know what good is, nothing else will really count i find. so don't sit back and hold it in. save us all from a shitty experience. i've had a bunch of horrible service experiences and would be MORE than happy to share :D

    but funny enough, the place where i've had, consistantly the WORST service (sometimes it IS good) is still one of my favourite places to go....you just gotta know how to work AROUND the silly bad service givers

  4. eugh....i think the only thing i like about jager is the way it's pronounced....not like mick, but like the way i like to speal jeah...not geeah, but yeah. that shit is GROSS!

    they're still stocking it at the liquor store at mohawk and u james...and only in the big bottles as my mystery liquor store buddy keeps complaining. 95% of the time i go in there, the same chick is in there complaining to her boyfriend about how they don't have the little bottle and he's telling her how he won't pay that much money for that much crap and how he doesn't feel like cleaning her up when the bottle is through with her. i think she lives there, waiting for the small bottles to come in.

    now....where are those yummy 200 ml iced cappucino mudshakes? there used to be a mountain of them, now there's nuthin.

  5. i think your neighbours would seriously consider hurting you if you did that brad, they'd be pulling up dandelions for years to come.....hmmmmm...now that's an idea for neighbours you don't like though.

    i thought my 80 year old neighbour gunter would kill me last year when i didn't do much mowing, but thanks to aaron helping him push his riding lawn mower out of the mud he was stuck in today...i think we're in the good books.

    today was the first lawn care day of the year. i picked up a bunch of dead branches that had fallen over the winter and put them in the fire pit....wooooooo

  6. I just got one of those forwarded emails saying that the census for 2006 has been outsourced to the US company lockheed martin, which gives the US government access to the data collected.

    Anyone know if this is true? (stnmtn) Do you have to participate in the census? i'm all for stats and surveys....but let's keep this shit in house.

  7. i always liked the little miss _____ and mr _____ series...which was where i always thought your original name came from mir.

    i also really loved this getting ready for bed book i had when i was a kid. it's got wood pages instead of paper and was a good bedtime story cause it was kinda like this checklist to make sure i'd done everything. i think it's still at my mums house! good ol mum

  8. I dial 542-4444 and it goes something like this...


    "I'd like to order a medium special with extra sauce and an order of shrimp in a basket"

    [color:red]"Will that be all sir?"

    "Oh, and 3 cans of coke please"


    "OOOOOOOOK, Is that everything?"

    "Yes, thats great"


    "OOOOOOOOK, So where will that be going to?"

    This conversation has been repeated hundreds of times.

    i prefer pizza pizza.

    "hi welcome to pi-"









    "thank you, your order is confirmed. pizza pizza time is....."

  9. i think this is great. think of all the 3rd world countries that could benefit from this. peoples whose land is too arid to sustain growth and thus animals could have an excellent source of protein for their diets...not that man juice isn't a good source, but let's get a grip on population control people.

    this does seem a bit star treky to me, and i'm sure 5 years probably isn't a feasable time line, but i can see this being a "norm" within our lifetimes.

    think of how land use would be completely different....the possibilities are endless.

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