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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. yeah i feel bad for a small independant music store closing, but that particular market i would say might be over saturated. dr disc, cheapies, reigning sound and screaming mimi's all within a 2 km radius of one another. but then where are you going to put a business like that in hamilton BUT the downtown core and keep it viable? and boo to another downtown business shuttin er down. that suuucks.

  2. yeah if 500 tickets are being sold and the fest roughly sells out....and the stage is shutting down at 11....i don't see how the saloon will hold everyone.....standing room capacity in there at best, i would say would holds no more than 200 people...please someone, correct me if i'm wrong though

  3. yeah i think we'll be done for that pais, thanks.

    the dj's you got goin in the lounge never really intice me whitey. as wicked fucking awesome as that indoor smoking lounge thing is, it always seems to me that the guys spinning are playing skiddish emo rock or electro lounge whatever and i tune it out. it would be great if they played some good stuff on set breaks tho.

    what the hell is intricate noise guitar anyways??? (guess i'll find out wednesday)

  4. ever since i traded my 2 extra nassau's for 2 greensboro tickets back in 2003 to a kid on a longboard i've liked em. that was the first and last time i've seen a longboard in real life. that kid looked mighty cool makin his big swervy curves through the lot. go long stomemtn, go long!

  5. so you know drawk, canadian idol in my eyes, is very very similar to american idol, but with the canadian version, it seems like they're (the judges, contestants) are trying to replicate something else, trying too hard to imitate something that's not their own...when they should just be doing it their own way.

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