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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh that sucks Nat. too bad you don't have the energy to harness your new chef skills and make some kick ass soup. i hope you get better soon! there is a kick ASS party goin on here in a couple weeks i'll tell you about. be better in time for the fatties show in hamilton on march 17 and come up for the whole weekend. you're celebration of finishing school will only make the list of party reasons longer (that would make it 7!!)....the more reasons the less guilty you feel on sunday.

  2. So admittedly I've been negligent in posting pics, I've become one of those people I cursed.

    So I had a day off today and finally got around to it. I managed to whittle these pics down from 500+ to 44. filtering for party favour content and nudity made it a bit easier. don't worry...there's no bum crack in sight. there's pics here from new years and the legendary slammin jack after party and a few other nights turned to dawns here at my place.

    And i swear that the chuck norris pic is NOT photoshopped. i've left it at the end for a nice surprise. so sit back, put on some tunes, and view em full size for clarity and play the spot the nicotine stained fingers game! take a drink everytime! enjoy!


  3. don't worry about your alienlike feelings marco, we all have our days. it's probably the leather jacket/bushy beard combo. i recommend you drop the beard and go with a spite face. the spite look is hot, don't drop it.

    hey deeps it was nice to see you, too bad we didn't meet....thanks for the INTRO AARON......god do you ever fucking look like freaker by the speaker....i'm smelling a really good hallowe'en costume!

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