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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. no no smoothy, never get married to a woman who books the bonnaroo weekend for your nuptuals :P

    i think solidarity definitely has something to do with what y'all are talkin about. whatever happened to that rock and roll mentality of us against them? them being the squares, those who just don't get it. we're still 2 different groups, some get it, some don't, we just choose to fight amongst ourselves over what sub genre of post modern mod rock this or that band fits into and so on and on. fight the squares, not your guitar wanking buddies.

    there will be SO many bands that we remember and love and listen to 30 years from now for their talent. there are lots of groups and people writing musically and lyricly relevant tunes and albums. everyone has those albums they love to listen to from whenever. mine's pop goes the world by men without hats. another is beck's midnight vultures and so many others. but will these songs made in the time span you speak of be played on as massive a scale as their current counterparts in years to come? i don't think so. i think the demographics of the baby boomer generation is a driving force in how much exposure some of these very taltented bands get today. if our generation doesn't have the numbers to demand the same treatment in 30 years, i don't think it'll happen.

    that being said. huey lewis's i need a new drug gets played almost daily at our house.

  2. nope...no urban glow. the area that was glowing is residential/countryish....there's a car lot with FUCKING bright lights to the west of my property and they don't light the sky on the best of nights, and certainly not that one. this was WAY brighter than the fullest of full moons...with the full moon you can see but it's still black, it's still night, this was grey. my street has 2 or three street lights that have a pale yellowish glow, they illuminate the ground directly under them and leave dark spaces....this was all over glow, i couldn't even see the pools of light under the street lamps anymore.

  3. so....not that i'm complaining or anything, and i know "farewell tours" happen all the time, but wasn't that last tour in summer of 04 supposed to be the last one? or was that just the last tour where he played old songs? i can't really remember

  4. i don't want to jinx it for myself, but i can still see parts of my lawn, no major snow here. and i didn't see any weird lights last night but i wasn't looking. however, I HAVE been outside letting the dog out at 3:30-4AM before and it WASN'T a full moon and there WAS cloud cover and it was so light out, SO LIGHT OUT...it was like when the sun comes up and it's kinda greyish still but not so grey, brighter. and i could see this brightness extanding east, and the black night to the west. freaked me out. it was snowing at the time too, i don't know if that has anything to do with it.

  5. yeah so i'm a chick and i don't drink beer, so i MUST drink wine right? WRONG! i actually drink scotch or chicky malibu...and mixed drinks are the same at any bar, overpriced, usually watered down a bit and tastey!

    i guess my point was...constructive criticism is usually better (and gets more attention and respect) than a "let's boycott this bar". your comments might get more consideration if the management knew you were coming back. if they know that you're not cause of your boycott they might say "oh well f him he ain't comin back"

  6. whoa there fella

    i can understand that you're upset and feel the need for expression,a nd you have a right to that expression. however, to preserve any reputation you may care for, you might want know the facts before you start ranting. shows get cancelled and adjusted all the time. if you want to complain about the liquor license, well, blame the government dude.

    as far as i'm concerned, the casbah plays a nice big fat role among other bars and venues in this town in contributing to what we have here. and you can't rag on someone for that. you can't rag on someone for tryign to improve their business and as an extension your experience. things don't always go smoothly, but shared growing pains are part of the experience called life.

    i don't personally drink beer, so i don't know the whole pint dealy-o, but really, i wish y'all would drink from bottles cause i'm sick of stinkin like beer from you schwilly spilly folk and your pint glasses. and maybe paying attention would be good. if you're in a bar and see a mini-me pint glass pulled out, opt for a bottle.

    i for one will say thank you to the staff at the casbah for everything they do and wish them good luck in their new endeavours and will be there to support a great venue with great shows run by great folk. things will get better. i personally have never had a bad experience at the casbah, even when i'm draggin my drunk pals home who've ralphed in the bar....(names shall remain nameless). the staff is always super nice...although the chick behind the bar could hurry it up a bit sometimes.

    but hey whitey...i've seen you pretty quiet on these issues you've had the last week. it WOULD be nice to hear from you on updates regarding more than show postings.

    ...and now, back to my 3L jug of wine!

  7. hmmmm what's goin on here..... let's try to figure out some other party plan. SAVE THE PARTY! my place is up for grabs. newrider is here, the party's already started.

    fatties, y'all are welcome to bring your stuff over here and play if you want.

    pm me if you have a plan or are heading over y'all

    edit to add: this is a serious offer!

  8. i just got that stapler at work! i love it cause it's red. and not only cause it's red, but because i can see it wherever it is in the room, it just jumps out at me saying "squeeze me! i want to staple and colour co-ordinate with you at the same time!"

    editted to fix a typo

  9. nice jaydawg. i saw the pics up on the evolvefest site and saw someone making heady vegan burritos in their travel wok....who needs some stinking trip to the south?

    and i can't believe you kids are doing this AGAIN. can we settle this whole "who hates bonaroo now that they've jumped the shark" fight with a nice good old fashioned poll? i know cully likes polls. hehehe

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