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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. No, I'm not talking corns or boils or warts or anything like that...its even odder..I think my feet have started growing again. I've had the same size feet since I was 12 and now my toes are touching the ends of shoes that used to fit me fine (like, they fit last week, and now they don't).

    Perhaps I have contracted a case of gargantuanism...probably some bad tofu...

    I can't afford to buy an entirely new footwear wardrobe!

  2. My holiday gifts, delivered between December 25th and January 1st were as follows:

    I got to hang out with ALL my best friends (including the ones who normally live in California...and Brampton...) and many of my favourite people... :) :) :)

    I couldn't ask for anything more!

  3. ..and realize the company DIDN'T fall apart in your absence (and are genuinely shocked at that realization)?

    I mean, how dare they carry on so swimmingly without me??

    I clearly have an over-developed sense of my own worth.

    I came in at 7:15 this morning in anticipation of thousands of emails and phone messages eagerly awaiting my response...nope..1 phone message (ONE??!) and only 227 emails.

    I need a hug.

  4. Back to the hammocks, my friend. You know, there's a little place called Mary Ann's Hammocks. The nice thing about that place is Mary Ann gets in the hammock with you. [laughs]I'm just kidding.

    Homer: Oh.

    Hank: You know who invented the hammock, Homer?

    Homer: No.

    Hank: That's something for you to do. Find that out.

  5. Hammocks! ...There's four places. There's the Hammock Hut, that's on third.There's Hammocks-R-Us, that's on third too. You got Put-Your-Butt-There? That's on third. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot... Matter of fact,they're all in the same complex; it's the hammock complex on third.

    Homer: Oh, the hammock district.

  6. Alright, I need some live music to which I can look forward...

    No more vacation days until, like, Easter...winter doldrums..no forseeable live music...damn, January is depressing!

    Who's got my heady (yes, PassedOutGuy, "heady" is a real Scrabble word..)upcoming shows?? Road trip anyone?

    Oh, and, Happy freakin' New Year everyone! :)



  7. 1. Where do you find this stuff??

    2. Are you KIDDING me? Who comes up with this sh!t? $4700?

    "In addition, "KISS® Kasket" can also be used as a Giant KISS® Cooler, enabling fans and their friends to enjoy ice-cold sodas and beer served directly from the ice-filled, completely waterproof "KISS® Kasket."

  8. Okay, I've told you this before...world peace doesn't happen overnight! I believe the delivery terms were "ASAP", and really, it just hasn't been "possible".

    I'm working towards world peace, one handbag at a time!

    On a funny note, the handbag advertised at "world peace in a handbag" last year has gone missing! ::

    Maybe someone else is trying to take credit for my work (handbags AND world peace)!

    What? World peace in a handbag has gone MISSING???

    That sh!t ain't right.

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