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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Scheduled for release March 25th (for those of you not not heading back for a second dose of Passion of the Christ):

    Guess Who, starring Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher (I love it already!!!)

    Tagline: Some in-laws were meant to be broken.

    Plot Outline: A sarcastic father (Mac) has plenty to say about his daughter wanting to marry a white boy (Kutcher).

    What a plot! Intriguing, timeless, topical...a surefire hit!

  2. One of the unsavoury elements of my job is knowing months in advance what movies are being released by all the studios…

    I say “unsavoury” rather than “bonus” because the information I garner these days is never exciting or good, but rather makes me want to move somewhere untouched by the nefarious grip of the morons in Hollywood.

    That being said, here are some teasers for upcoming features:

    You can all rest easy knowing that everyone’s favourite gigolo—yes, that’s right, Deuce Bigalow—will be back! August 12th, “Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo” hits the big screen (phew! I couldn’t wait any longer!)

    And, just in time for Easter (read: Mel Gibson needs even MORE $$$), The Passion of the Christ will be re-released March 25th—fun & cross-bearing for the whole family! See it again—make it a ritual—Christians love rituals!

    Hell wants him. Heaven won't take him. Earth needs him. February 18th, Keanu Reeves IS “Constantine”.

    See ya at the movies!

  3. What are some "little" things that make you happy?

    I find joy in so many little things, making a conscious effort to revel a little bit each and every day...

    I love frolicking and throwing snowballs.

    I love doing the crossword puzzle on Sundays.

    I love office supplies (my Grand & Toy order just arrived, which is what inspired this thread)--I don't understand why I love them so, I just do. :)

    Yay! Let's celebrate the little things!

    What are some of your favourite "little things"?


  4. Let me preface this by saying that the following question is not meant to be facetious in any way--I'm genuinely interested in the answer...

    Can someone please explain to me how Bobby is a "genius" (other than how he looks in a pair of short shorts and a tank top)? I don't hate him, and do enjoy some Bobby (songs and performances), but genius I do not see--cheese-ius, yes. Genius, no. Please enlighten me.

  5. A little wrong, but nothing I wouldn't expect from you SP.

    Touche. .. ::

    You're sooo going to miss your long hair when you're skiing in your tank top...that's a vision right there...Hux's luxurious locks blowing in the wind as he descends the mountain in a tank top....That's a Mentos commercial waiting to happen!

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