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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. Thanks for the tip--I'm aware of the locking. My question is actually:

    Is there any way that I can have them fill in one field and then have it automatically populate certain other fields in the document?

    If you lock it, the user can't Find/Replace...so I'm trying to find a way that they fill in the one field and it populates the other fields I specify at the same time..

  2. I've got a document that I am saving as a Form. I have specific fields that can be filled in, but I want to lock the document so the rest of it can't be modified by the user (it's a contract). Is there any way that I can have them fill in one field and then have it automatically populate certain other fields in the document? I suppose theoretically a macro could be recorded and run to do this, but I'm a bit lost in this format.

    I know this is a long shot, but I'm stymied.

    Damn you, Bill Gates! Why can't your stupid programs just do what I want them to do?

  3. Is it a result of head-in-the-sand-itis that this "news" was all over the media this past weekend (i.e. the tsumani reports are so depressing and horrifying that people are looking for escape into something trivial) or is it a symptom of head-up-our-collective-asses-itis (i.e. that we, as a society, place more value on the breakup of a marriage of 2 people none of us have ever met vs. millions of casualties in another part of the world)?

    I would hope it's the former, but that's probably my own version of not facing reality.....

  4. I want a dog!


    I've wanted a dog for years and I've always planned to call it Brisco. In my mind, I already have a dog named Brisco. Now that Jerry Orbach died, is it wrong to call my imaginary dog Brisco?

    Yes, I need psychiatric help. Or, perhaps just someone to give me a ride to the Humane Society.

  5. I have several invites..PM me your current email address if you're interested.

    Note that in order to join g-mail you must be able to simultaneously play a g-chord from a G. Love song whilst wearing a g-string. Gee, your hair smells terrific!

    j/k Your hair does NOT smell terrific.

    Anyway, gmail is great..mucho memory...

    Is it 5 o'clock yet?

  6. Seriously Julia? Your down with the ouija?

    I'll never use one of those boards again. But that's another story...

    Actually, that was the first board that came up in Google Images (other than Monopoly, which I despise)...I was just being a smartass--jeez, Trev, we've known each other for over 5 years now, I would think you'd be aware of my prediliction towards smartassness.


  7. Really, peanut butter on stuff isn't so odd...particularly in thai cooking...a lot of recipes for peanut sauce/peanut-based recipes call for peanut butter.

    I make a kickass spicy peanut sauce (not with peanut butter, mind you) that is the easiest thing in the world and I have it on veggies, pasta, whatever...

    Now, howler, I have a question--I need some parameters here: When am I to be considerd the "other" Julia? Of course, to me, *you're* the "other" Julia...I think we're going to have to set up some jurisdictional territories on who gets to be "Julia" and who is relegated to "Other Julia" [OJ for short]...


  8. Strangefolk is still together (though their touring schedule isn't very extensive). Reid left and formed Assembly of Dust (they are a hot band--though Reid's voice makes me want to break things and then shove them in my ears).

    I think they were going to break up, or did briefly, but just kept booking gigs..not sure of the whole story.

  9. Peanut butter (especially crunchy) and butter on a toasted waffle still makes me weak in the knees.

    Wait--were you my roommate in second year university?!

    He used to do just that--only he'd then put it in the microwave so all the peanut butter would melt (and would, subsequently, permeate the entirety of the house with peanut butter stench).

  10. 1. Sugar on tomatoes is fantastic (sugar/salt/pepper is good, too). Particularly if they're fresh out of the garden.

    2. number2, I'm intrigued...I love how casually you drop your friend "crazyjoe" into a conversation without feeling any need to tell the story behind "crazyjoe"--do tell!

  11. Although I don't eat eggs anymore, that was the only way I liked french toast, too.

    But then, I'm sort of obsessed with anything on which I can put ketchup. When I was little my dad called me The Ketchup Kid (which, by the way, I think would be a great name/concept for a super hero..).

    He used to say that I'd put ketchup on ice cream if I could. Finally, I did just that--because I could. It wasn't good. But I proved him wrong. Ha!

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