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Posts posted by Patchoulia

  1. What strange or odd food choices or combinations do you enjoy?


    This topic was inspired by the peanut butter & pickle sandwich I ate the other night which bemused and, subsequently, disgusted Basher.

    I don't see the problem...pickles? Good. Peanut butter? Good! PB & P? Good!!!

  2. I have an extremely negative association with parsnips...growing up, my very odd neighbour used to run over and smell other kids' bums when they farted and, evidently, a particular scent caused her to yell out, "Parsnip fart! Parsnip fart!"

    Hence, in my mind, parsnips = farts.

    Logically, I know this isn't true--I tried a parsnip (against my childhood judgement) and it wasn't bad. But it's a well-ingrained, fallacious belief that I'm finding it hard to be rid of.

  3. Bob, you know I’ll do whatever I can to help--just let me know.

    That being said (and I could be wrong) but I suspect you’d encounter the same bureaucratic bullsh!t here that made you miserable there(though I am obviously not privy to all the details of that particular situation). We can talk about it a bit more thoroughly to see if it might actually be something that would be fulfilling and rewarding for you.

    Regardless, congratulations on taking this important first step--better things are ahead!

  4. I tried starting an online version of a book club in another forum and it didn't work.

    So, I figure locally is the best way to go..plus, in real life, when you get together to discuss the book, you can have snacks and drinks! :)

    The only caveat is that I'm the boss of the club and you must bow down before me and buy me gifts if you want to play.

    Just kidding!

    Anyhoooo...anyone interested?

  5. Dear You Guys,

    Despite the fact that I didn't make it to the Last Hurrah (I assume Scorsese was there filming, yes?), I'd still like to say thanks for all the great music and fun times. You guys rock..individually and together.

    Punk, I got a Pancake Pillow with your name on it...




  6. c'mon... who's counting parsnips?

    Not me, that's for sure. Stupid parsnips.

    You know, my horoscope this morning said I'd be distracted & unproductive at work--seems to be eerily accurate (though perhaps it was self-fulfilling prophecy on my part). Regardless, I shall continue searching the internet for other stories of women whose feet suddenly grow longer in adulthood (I'm currently perusing werewolf websites to see if that hypothesis could be accurate..)

  7. Perhaps your shoes are shrinking?

    Edit: OK, they fit you last week...maybe you're taking on water, or gaining weight?



    I'm no dummy, I first considered the above. But, you see, the shoe width is still fine, it's just the length. And my rings all seem to be loose, which they would not be were I retaining water or gaining weight.

    Hence, my perplexing dilemma!

    Perhaps you're right and my shoes ARE shrinking...or, perchance someone is playing a trick in an attempt to finally give me that one, last push over the edge...I've been three-quarters crazy for many years. Someone thinks that replacing all my shoes with a half size smaller will finally be the key to driving me completely insane.

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