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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. Oooh! How exciting! This will get me to Hamilton.
  2. I get the beer sweats just thinking about it.
  3. I call bullshit on apartments that are advertised as "one-bedroom", but are actually "bachelors" or "studios"...fuckers...I can't believe I wasted my time opening up your stupid ad, all because it said ONE BEDROOM on it. Here's a tip, landlords: If there's not a wall and door between the "living room" and/or "kitchen" and the so-called "bedroom", IT'S NOT A ONE-BEDROOM. And fuck you very much. That is all.
  4. There's a reason I'm giving them away...lol...but there was one dude on here who was, at the time, a huge Biscuits fan...
  5. A while back, I gave someone from this board a whole whack of Disco Biscuits shows. In organizing my cds recently, I came across a few more, but can't seem to recall to whom I gave the last batch. So yeah. Let me know if you're out there and you're still interested.
  6. Oh my god, Bob. My heart's breaking for you guys. I'm so very sorry. We'll be in the Shwa on Saturday if you want to get together. Call or email or Facebook me.
  7. I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the beautiful Vanessa Moira yesterday...you can already see she's taking after both her parents...she's absolutely gorgeous (Lassie) and, apparently, produces three times more poo than the average baby (StoneMtn).
  8. I spit out my coffee when I saw this picture this morning! Not just that the cop is hooping, but the expression on his face--he's really into it! And his cop buddy watching him! LOL
  9. Yeah, I was exaggerating. I don't think it was packed though. I think the 6 person show I'm remembering, also at the El Mo, was Mofro.
  10. Yay! I'm SO PSYCHED for this show!! Do yourselves a favour and GO to this show! The last time they were here, they put on a fantastic show--and there were only about 6 people there. I saw them at Langerado, too, and they were definitely one of the highlights for me. I've been streaming their 8/4/7 show for the past 3 days at work...I can't get enough!
  11. Sorry...I figured since this forum has a bigger audience, it would be a better place to advertise the ticket giveaway. If anyone is ever interested in Jays, Raptors, Leafs, TFC or Argos tix, please let me know your email addy via PM and I'll put you all on an email distribution list. Whenever I have free tix to give away, I'll send y'all an email directly!
  12. Son of a Preacher Man (the Aretha version)
  13. If I had any interest in the CFL, I might be able to answer to that confidently... As it is, I'm just going to guess..is it: "Argos Suck!" ??
  14. I guess a key piece of information that is missing from my original post is that the tickets are free.
  15. They were one of the highlights of Langerado for me...I just love it when a band who has the first slot of the day at a fest just gets up and rocks it, regardless of the time of day or the paucity of attendees.
  16. Thanks AD. My keyboard is now drenched in coffee.
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