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Everything posted by Patchoulia

  1. That's like saying: mmmmmmmm this cherry on top of this steaming pile of dung is delicious. So you like it too? bahahahahahaha..mmmm..dungcherry....
  2. Oh, and, fluffhead, FYI, the next time I see you (and mattyp for that matter), I will be performing (juuuuuust for you!) a rousing rendition of the Golden Girls theme song, complete with geriatric dance moves. Whether you like it or not...but how could you not like it? That's gold, baby, gold!
  3. At a Merl Saunders show at the Comfort Zone, I once told someone I hated "Dark Star"--you'll be pleased to note, after a brief pause, this gentleman slapped me clean across the face. And I fucking love Liberty.
  4. I'm still waiting for Diesel Dog to take my suggestion and cover "Fever Dog", from "Almost Famous", with "diesel" in place of "fever."
  5. moe.-played too little-Awesome Gary I wish they'd bring it back.
  6. timouse--If the musical group you're a part of didn't already have a name, I'd seriously consider calling it "Compound Cuss Word"...genius! When I was in grade 7, my dad told me I had, and I quote, "Worse language than a truck driver." And he busted truck drivers for a living so I'm fairly certain he was well acquainted with their many compound cuss words. This post is apropos of nothing.
  7. It's really too bad these guys are playing Toronto on the night BNB is doing their reunion...
  8. This dog is strong...his size is immaterial!
  9. Dude, I know you lust after my bandana..
  10. I don't work for the government.
  11. Thanks for being such an asshole. Love, Asshole P.S. Kiss my ass you fucking cunt.
  12. I never even would have known who he was (in any meaningful way) if not for Jaimoe's decades-long catankerous hate of Jeff Martin...so, Jaimoe, for that, I thank you. Soo many jokes, so little time...
  13. I don't have any strong feelings about him, one way or another..I'm just trying to keep MarcO amused.
  14. Jeff Martin, born Andrew Kirby, Age 14: How can I make myself MORE like Jim Morrison? Lessee lessee..first off, gotta change my name...James Morrison? Jeff Morrison? Jeff Mortinson? Jeff Martin. Yeah, that's the ticket. No one will ever make the connection. Cultivated fluffy brunette mane of my rock-god lizard king hero? Check! Concave, train-wreck of a chest on display? Check! Next stops on this track...death in Paris, Kilmer homage...
  15. My one and only Jeff Martin encounter... Some random weekday night at Grossman's, several years back..he sashayed in with his "entourage", got up onstage (to the surprise of the band that was playing), grabbed the mic and started babbling incoherently. He seemed quite vexed when the meagre audience didn't burst into applause at his presence. The 8 people who were there were perplexed by this turn of events. The 6 people who remained in the bar could tell you better than I could what happened after that.
  16. My hands (and feet!) are, in fact, mangos. Which, contrary to what you may have heard, does not necessarily preclude me from genius status.
  17. Sounds like a pet name concocted by Mel Gibson in one of his finer moments..
  18. Wow--haven't thought about this song in ages. It's a beautiful song (I, too, am a recovering Catholic--not just a regular Catholic either, but the kind who was in the church choir), but now I can't get it out of my head! Another song that makes me cry, every single time, is the national anthem...likely a combination of truly loving the freedom we have in Canada and thinking about my dad, who was super patriotic and instilled that in me.
  19. What song makes you cry--no matter where you are or what you're doing? I have several...but the one I'll note first is: Soulshine
  20. There's a voice, that keeps on callin' me..down the road, that's where I'll always be..and every stop I make, I'll make a new friend...can't stay for long, just turn around and I'm gone again...
  21. I love him. I've seen him several times and the "How ya feelins" are, to me, just as StoneMtn suggests--a welcome inquiry as to how I'm enjoying the night.
  22. Great...now when *I* dry-hump JB's leg, it won't be original at all... Thanks Marge! Sweet setlist...!
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