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Everything posted by Jakis

  1. yeah I have 3 to win odds so if the sens make it I owe 50.
  2. Go montreal! I bet my friend at the beginning of the season that sen's wouldn't make the playoffs. I they don't I win 150 dollars!
  3. hahahahahahhaha.. thanks for that booche.
  4. I've got this one hanging on my wall at home. I love it!
  5. Great souljazz show! It was packed didn't expect that big of a crowd! It was also good to meet you Rachael.
  6. Hey jay on the site it say's soul jazz is 10 at the door? Is it 10 or 15?
  7. When's the show, december right? Like musictoday say's they only ship the tickets out 2 weeks before the show so you shouldn't have them yet.
  8. The difference being the canadian's aren't crappy.
  9. Great game! Grabovsky now on a 6 game point streak and how about stajan? He's been great since the benching.
  10. Is quickly becoming one of my favorite bands. Anyone have the recording from the 2006 Ottawa gig?
  11. Agreed. A bunch of my friends are big o'death fans. They didn't dissapoint. The opener was good too, hoots and hellmouth. Even cover samson and deliah.
  12. Sweet, thanks got tickets with 5 friends. Cant wait for the game!
  13. They all look like a mess.....
  14. Nah, maybe there fans though!
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