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Everything posted by fluffhead77

  1. fluffhead77


    Starting to cool down out there and fall is perfect time for soup. I made a fairly tasty borscht the other day and thought you folks might have some input on some new soups you've tried or made lately. 2 quarts beef stock 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup cabbage, finely chopped 1 cup potatoes, diced 1/2 cup carrots, diced 1 stalk celery, minced 1 onion, chopped 1 1/2 cups canned tomatoes 1/2 cup juice (from can of beets) 1 cup cooked or canned beets, diced 1 teaspoon vinegar chopped dill or parsley (for garnishing) sour cream In a large heavy pan, melt butter and lightly sauté cabbage, potatoes, carrots, celery and onion for approximately 5 minutes. Add beef stock. Blend canned tomatoes or press through a sieve until fine. Add pureed tomatoes and beet juice to stock. Cover and simmer over low heat until vegetables are firmly tender but not soft. At this point, add the chopped beets and vinegar. Season well with salt and pepper and remove from heat before the beets begin to lose their color. Serve with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkling of dill or parsley over each bowl. ** Note - I added a lb of fresh italian sausage, but it wasn't necessary.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19296077 Can't say I'm sad to see him leave the Gunners.
  3. Forecastle show is bad ass in both quality and execution. Very much looking fwd to seeing this show tomorrow.
  4. Links are dead. Try this one: http://bit.ly/O4J8lk
  5. Wish I would have seen Gordo singing Tennessee Jed - it's not on the highlights apparently.
  6. Have you tried updating iTunes? Failing that, have you tried using a different cable? Here's a link for troubleshooting that might help: http://www.apple.com/support/ipad/assistant/itunes/
  7. fluffhead77


    Tried Hops and Robbers on the weekend. Give it a C+... it's hoppy, but without depth. http://doubletroublebrewing.com/
  8. Forgot to mention that we stopped and had some of the Locos Tacos on the way back from Wisconsin - not bad. Better than I originally thought it would be. Pretty salty, but no where near as salty as the double down. I might stare one down again if the opportunity arose again.
  9. Anyone know what's happening?
  10. Sweetness! looking forward to catching you kids in TO sometime soon
  11. http://soundcloud.com/fluffstravels/no-were-not-stopping-until-we Aurally yours, B
  12. Archer. Currently the funniest show on television.
  13. My buddy has two tickets at face for TO. PM if you want them.
  14. Already better than Bluesfest.
  15. yeah, at 8 bills, I'm not likely to add one to my arsenal anytime soon.
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