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Bouncin around the Room


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So am intrigued to hear phellow people's opinions on bouncin. I for one love the song. I think the lyrics are dreamy and beautiful, i dig on the melody and vocal rounds, and love the jam. So many people seem to differ. Reading reviews of shows i get this image in my head of this huge washroom line-up during bouncin with people saying to each other ' ah, another bouncin.....' . I feel it's popular amongst newbies and older heads alike, and am curious to hear, especially from the dislikers about reasons............

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Its an all right tune. But not the funkiest dance number and not a heart grabber either. Given that, its easy to get sick of. I've seen it performed more then any other song, which in turn means I've heard it on more discs then any other song. The end result being...

when you gotta go you gotta go...

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A lot of people complain because it's always the same, but so what? It's only three minutes long or so. For some reason, no one makes the same complaint about Guyute, even though it never changes either, and it's about *ten* minutes long.

For songs with little or no variation from performance to performance, I'll take "Bouncing" over "Guyute" anyday.


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I get the feeling that a lot of people complain when they play Bouncin' cause its strangely become "hip" to dislike Bouncin'. Some kind of phishier-than-thou type syndrome perhaps. I think its a great tune, great lyrics, catchy simple chord progression, and awesome guitar part at the end (16th notes? Playing in 16 time? I don't know how to describe the speed with which Trey hits those notes... but it sounds good and its pretty hard to do!) Sure they've played it at probably like half the shows I've been to but hell I only get to see them once or twice a year anyways, its not like I hear the song day in, day out.

THen again, since music is completely subjective, its perfectly possible for just about anyone to truly and honestly hate this song. So, to each his own I guess!

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A toast to Spence and Katie (hope i spelled that right! [smile] You guys man......man....you guys.............man.............................just...................man you just...........................you guys I just wanna say..........................man..........................you're so.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I LOVE CAKE.

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Originally posted by KevO:

I get the feeling that a lot of people complain when they play Bouncin' cause its strangely become "hip" to dislike Bouncin'. Some kind of phishier-than-thou type syndrome perhaps.

That's a good point too, KevO. If I recall correctly, this started when "A Live One" was released, and some American radio stations started playing Bouncin'. I guess there was a considerable number of teeny-boppers showing up yelling for the song, so people decided that if 14 year-old girls liked it, it was no longer a good song. No one seemed to have a problem with it before then...


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Yeah, seems like Bouncin' became the "hit" so if you were a hardcore fan it became uncool to like it or something... But we all like different things about music so obviously it may not appeal to people who love something different, like "First Tube".

On that note, how about "Free"? That's probably the only Phish song I can recall hearing on the radio. I think it's a great tune!

So glad to hear Free, and especially "GHOST" on the Vegas discs...

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I think Bouncin went down long before A Live One. For me it was fall of '95. Somewhere around my tenth show of that tour, when I was hearing my 7th Bouncin.

Just for the record, that tour has made me hate Sparkle too!!

I don't mean to be that negative, I get excited when I hear a lot of songs. Its just that if the odds of hearing it are better then the odds of the Leafs winning the cup... never mind...

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Originally posted by hamilton:


Originally posted by KevO:

I get the feeling that a lot of people complain when they play Bouncin' cause its strangely become "hip" to dislike Bouncin'. Some kind of phishier-than-thou type syndrome perhaps.

That's a good point too, KevO. If I recall correctly, this started when "A Live One" was released, and some American radio stations started playing Bouncin'. I guess there was a considerable number of teeny-boppers showing up yelling for the song, so people decided that if 14 year-old girls liked it, it was no longer a good song. No one seemed to have a problem with it before then...


Yeh totally guys, to me it's same phenomenon that happened with Blues Traveler when "Runaround" hit, or with DMB with "Crash". Or with Phish again with "Heavy Things", which I also think is a very cool and unfairly abused song.

I remember hearing, I think it was Greg Lake, describing this thing that's happened with a lot of bands he's seen, including his own, where the hardcore fans either diss the new fans that come along because of the hit single or else abandon the band completely. Personally I think it's a goofy attitude - with "Ranaround", I loved Blues Traveler for 3 or 4 years before that song came out, and I loved that song for almost a year as an album track and concert song before it was a single. Then when it hit, I knew a lot of people who were hardcore BT fans who would literally boo at shows when they played it, which to me was stupid. Why can't you just be happy that a band you like is getting some recognition? Certain kinds of music fans can be very elitist, and the thing that bugs me the most about it with a scene like the jamband scene is that we're supposed to have a rep for being more accepting of all sorts of things, including (hopefully) a little bit of additional recognition for the hardworking bands we love.

Personally, I've never heard "Bouncing" live but damn straight I'll be bouncing when I do! [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]


Mr. M.

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