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The most powerful man on the plant

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

The most powerful man on the plant.

Some of you might know the story behind the story on this one.


Does anybody else out there sketch/doodle/draw/paint?

(P.S. I hope this works. First time posting an image.)

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Guest Low Roller

Thanks for the compliments Howler and Bouche. This was a drawing that was inspired by something said on this newsboard by Ms. Huxtable, so I felt it be appropriate that I post it.

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A gallery sounds great. Unfortunately, I cannot draw, paint, play music, etc. I generally like to sit around and make fun of those that can because it makes me feel like a big man.

Ok, not really. I mean I don't make fun of artists. And the idea for a gallery is great. Or wait, did I get confused again, was it the other way round.

On a side note....

I love where Davey-Boy is from. Laidback manor sounds like a place I'd like to hang out.

Back to the first note....

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Guest Low Roller

The more submissions the merrier I say. We can probably even manage different categories if the volume warrants it: drawings, poetry, paintings, photography, and uhhh... screen captures...

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That sounds great.... At this point, though - lets keep it to a couple of submissions per person to start -- just until we see what kind of animal we're dealing with...

(due to server space and work time to set it up etc...)

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that rules, dude!

that's the kind of art that should advertise cretivity...ever think about getting into design?

I think you could totally make flyers with that kind of art...or posters or album art...

if you ever want to draw cool stuff for people, put me on your list. Too few people have good art in their homes...myself included.

if anyone wants to make beauty for friendly people, this could definitely be a great swapping hub...indica's photography, your drawing, music and ideas...

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