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All hail the kings.........


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Don't worry my young phriend Mr. Rubberdingy...it will all "end" soon. Sadly, by the looks of it, the first thing to "end" will be brutal Senitors Stanley Cup hopes...I wish it were different, but alas I fear they suck too much. Second thing to come to an "end" will be the play-offs themselvs and the lone, remaining team on top will be The Canadians...After the Habs recieve their rings, parade around with the cup for a while, showing it off to adoring fans once again in Montreal and throughtout Canada, then my phriend, then the mighty rumble that started last night with a 5-2 ass woopin' of Boston will come to "end" and ONLY because the season will have started again and the MIGHTY Habs shall be once again laying punishment on all sorry teams that challenge them...



Giggles grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

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Guest Low Roller

Oh, how sweet the riots in Montreal will be when the Habs bring another Cup home.

I remember the lovely glow of bright orange flames in 1993. The uncontrolled fires on Ste. Catherine really brought out the beauty of the city.

Go Habs Go.

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You know what booche, I may have to partially agree with that...Definately if Audette and Koivu keep playing the way they are (6 points last night), If Perrault gets going, and Theodore lives up to being the next Roy, this will definately be the best Habs team since 94.

Oh yeah, and hopefully Gilmour retires for real.

I will give you they do have one of the best grinders in the league, Van Allen, I was upset Ottawa got rid of him.

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