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Im going home Donny

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If you can find it on tap, Fin du monde from the great Quebec brewer Unibroue has provided a number of the worst hangovers I've personally had. The reason - it's so smooth and tasty going down that it's incredibly easy to forget that it's 9%! [Eek!]


Mr. M.

P.S. Hey Dr. Hux, hope you found the bottle I left in your fridge after we crashed at your place - oh, what the hell am I talking about, it was probably gone 15 minutes after we drove off (ya friggin' lush.)

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My understanding of that issue is that there is carbon dioxide used in the process that leads to a greater occurence of headaches the next day....

Also I've been told that some bars don't clean the lines that run from the kegs to the taps often enough and that the CO2 builds up this way adding to the problem.

Maybe so, maybe not.


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...ah co2....hadn't cosidered that....I have thought mabey it's about sugar build up in dirty lines....also just getting more beer in a pint could be it.

There's been a few times that I have only had 2 pints and then had crazy,bad hangovers after?

Mabey I'm allergic...gasp.....I won't accept that.

A friend said she thought avoiding beers w/preservatives is the way to go?

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Originally posted by howler:

There's been a few times that I have only had 2 pints and then had crazy,bad hangovers after?

I've had that happen, and referred to it as a "hangunder": you feel like crap because you didn't drink enough the night before. If you're going to feel lousy the next morning, you should have at least had fun the night before, otherwise the universe's good/bad totals get out of whack.


A friend said she thought avoiding beers w/preservatives is the way to go?

I think this is the way to go whenever possible, mostly because beers made without preservatives, to me, taste better (and certainly have more taste). If you go to the Arrow & Loon, try some of their hand-pumped ("real") ales. (And if anybody wants to go, but hasn't, and isn't sure about going, let me know, and we'll arrange a group night out there. [smile] )



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Originally posted by Mr. Musicface:

If you can find it on tap,
from the great Quebec brewer Unibroue has provided a number of the worst hangovers I've personally had. The reason - it's so smooth and tasty going down that it's incredibly easy to forget that it's 9%!

Now that the sun is shining more, and summer is within reasonable proximity, I'll give a shout-out to perhaps the ultimate patio beer: Blanche de Chambly...made with wheat, flavoured with orance and coriander...give me a pint and place to park, and let the afternoon roll by...

I'm a big fan of Unibroue beers; FdM is great, Maudite is a killer, too.



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What about Irish beers? Aren't they carbonated differently then others (ie. not C02 at all but something else?)

And which is worse for a hang over, light or dark? And why would that be?

I've made beer before, and generally the ingredients are the same, just different proportions. Maybe malt has less sugar and more colour then striaght adjunct making dark beer less dehydrating??? No idea on this but very curious...

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To truly avoid beer-induced hangovers, it's best to drink poetic beer. For example, the Brother From Another Country sent me some Asahi fridge magnets in this year's birthday missive.


On Fridge Magnet the First:

If there is a silver can on

a refrigerator, she is in

a good mood. Amber

liquid penetrates deeply

into the body that

got tired. She

laughed with a

white mustache.


On Fridge Magnet the Second:

I have felt wind. I know

the earth. I love rain.

I remember light.

I live to best of

my ability. Because

make the people

of the whole

world happy.

Those are exact [sic]-worthy quotes. If you've ever seen the "Mr. Sparkle" Simpsons episode and wondered whether it was an accurate portrayal of Japanese product slogans / advertising, rest assured that it was.



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