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Kurt Cobain: Ten years later....

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Ten years ago today, on April 5th, 1994, Kurt Cobain died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head ending the all too short career of Nirvana.

Nirvana burst into the mainstream in 1991, with the single Smells Like Teen Spirit, while they were on a European tour opening for Sonic Youth. By the end of the tour, it was Sonic Youth that was opening for Nirvana. The rest, as they say, was history.

Unfortunately Kurt Cobain had many demons to go along the new found responsibility of fame. A stomach laced with ulcers was the inspiration for the song Pennyroyal Tea. In it, Kurt describes all the medications he was taking to combat his ailment. His life appeared to stabilize when he became a father, but that ended up just being another responsibility he was unable to cope with.

By the end, his only solace came at the hands of the needle. Fucking heroin.

Nirvana inspired me to pick up a guitar. I grew my hair out like Kurt's. Everything about them spoke to me at a time when I needed some other guidance besides the usual authority figures. Last night I watched Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York, and it is still an extremely relevant concert ten years later. Whereas manufactured bullshit goes forgotten as soon as a year later, Nirvana's sound and legacy still endure, and is as strong as ever.

Fuck you Kurt for taking your own life, but thanks for sharing it with me, if at least for a while.

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Nirvana was one of the most important pop acts of all time, forever (I hope) changing what we hear on the radio. It was rough, intelligent, and liberating, like three guys saying 'Fuck You' to the industry as they rode it from the top.

I had just started teaching guitar recently before Kurt died, and at the time everyone, and I mean everyone, wanted to learn Nirvana tunes. That's how I got into them and I regret like crazy that I was too blind to see the brilliance until it was too late.

It's scary to think of the music we have lost since then.

I still question the surroundings of Kurt's demise, but it's all for naught. Dead is dead.

Smells Like Teen Spirit jam at 40 Main on Saturday was fun.

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Guest Low Roller
It's scary to think of the music we have lost since then.

Kurt Cobain was beginning work on a studio collaboration with Micheal Stipe of R.E.M. at the time of his death. No tapes have ever surfaced.

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you'd be hard pressed to find a bigger little cobainiac than this girl right here. i....he was....he......well, i've been sitting here typing & deleting for about five minutes now.... even attempting to put his effect on me into writing has left me at a loss for words. he...... well, to sum it up, he was my jerry! :) hell, he was more than my jerry. missing their toronto performance when i was in grade 9 remains to this day one of my greatest regrets. his work, everything about him, has touched me so profoundly, i can't even describe it.


to anyone who loved him, i strongly, strongly recommend picking up a copy of the book "heavier than heaven". it's the one biography courtney love approved, and it is an excellent, excellent piece of work. i've bawled my way through it 3 times now, and it's definitely an eternal re-read. the journals collection is also incredible.

okay, i can't talk about this anymore. i can't even believe it's been 10 years already...


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Dude was a damn fine songwriter. Nirvava drove me nuts in high school because you couldn't get away from them (and I was too into trying to collect Dead Summer tour 1982 or something to care) but in retrospect I realize what an enormous talent he was. A great loss and an important man.

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cheers to Kurt for sharing his pain and making us all feel a little more comfortable with our own

I guess that is up to the indivdual,I know from being a person with a history of depression that everytime I see another soul surcome to it by taking their own life,that it makes me realize that I am not ok or comfortable with my depression and that it is not so easily overcome as folks seem to think at times.

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Nevermind and InUtero are still two big faves. Kurt brought a serious dose of realism back to popular rock, not to mention a tremendously huge fashion trend and new name for rock music.. but I think what I'll always remeber is that their music was the first music my folks didnt get me into that spontaneously gave me goose bumps.


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cheers to Kurt for sharing his pain and making us all feel a little more comfortable with our own

I guess that is up to the indivdual,I know from being a person with a history of depression that everytime I see another soul surcome to it by taking their own life,that it makes me realize that I am not ok or comfortable with my depression and that it is not so easily overcome as folks seem to think at times.

the terrible lesson, never do yourself in cause people will miss you and in lieu you'll miss them too (albeit as disconnected energy zooming through the universe in seek of a new starting point)... always time for that later... anything's better than duckin out early

Kurt wrote sweet songs we all relate to because they reside in everyone's hearts... everybody has some depression somewhere inside... someone in the public eye being honest that way helps you realize it comes down to what ya do with it... almost always best not to let the downs win

(the box of wine calls, party at paisley's for anyone who's got the heart for it... no promises for coherence... try as you might, the box of wine always wins... nero moe.down (hoooooooo...!), Slip 03-04-19 and the Big When on the box currently)

;) ("eep!" - sound of a stroke)

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Kurt wrote sweet songs we all relate to because they reside in everyone's hearts... everybody has some depression somewhere inside..

Strangely enough I never related to his music or words and was never a fan of Nirvana,just wasn't my taste.Although I know what you mean,I guess my relations to music are just different.

Always a shame to hear a child was left fatherless though.

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francis farmer will have her revenge on seattle

It's so relieving to know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid

It's so relaxing to hear you're asking wherever you get your way

I's so soothing to know that you'll sue me,

this is starting to sound the same

I miss the comfort in being sad

In her false withness, we hope you're still with us,

to see if they float or drown

Our favorite paitent, A display of patience,

disease-covered Puget Sound

She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars,

and leave a blanket of ash on the ground

I miss the comfort in being sad

This guy definately did not want to become the spokesman for his generation. He was thrust into this role by the media and our consumer driven culture. you know if you sell millions of records you have to do huge tour. well, i don't think kurt was too into touring and being a rock star. success and all the bullshit that goes with it took its toll on the guy. but fuck could he SCREAM. all the pain from his back and fucked up childhood came out in that scream. Doctors told him to sing properly or he would lose his voice. fuck that he said. now thats fucking punk rock.


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...It's great to hear your thoughts on Kurt, I now can't wait to vote him off at every opportunity in All-Star Survivor!! I mean this guy was able to somehow (cough) forge a career in that super competitive tough to crack (cough cough) early 90's rock market.... ;) ;) ;)

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Guest Low Roller
...It's great to hear your thoughts on Kurt, I now can't wait to vote him off at every opportunity in All-Star Survivor!! I mean this guy was able to somehow (cough) forge a career in that super competitive tough to crack (cough cough) early 90's rock market.... ;) ;) ;)

I'll laugh my ass off if Bobby gets voted off first. ::

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I regret that I never saw Nirvana at the Gardens in 1993. Though Kurt Cobains problems with drugs and depression were at that time already well documented, I thought I'd be able to see them sooner or later. I guess I was wrong. As the years have gone by Kurt and his bandmates material is as fresh as the days they were recorded. Hey,hey, my,my Rock and roll will never die.

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Guest Low Roller
Trash talking a dead guy in a memorial thread is really low Hux - really low.

It was, but I took it in stride Velvet. Hux' trash talking was aimed at me more than Kurt Cobain.

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He was what he was...I can't really eulogize a man who leaves a wife and baby to themselves and makes a highly selfish statement to the people he supposedly cared nothing about.

I won't deny his influence on me...listening to incesticide at full blast walking home from school in grade 9 and all. I had this girlfriend then who was heavily into Kurt, so much so that she convinced her psychiatrist to prescribe Lithium to her when all she really needed was a hug.

In any event, there are other milestones out there that I wish to celebrate, and far more important news in this world than a spineless rockers' suicide.

To say that he was a victim of the media is a BIG cop-out, probably the biggest I've heard lately. He was depressed, he didn't get help so he killed himself.

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