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A strange summer show at the Molson Amp


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You know, I've yet to reach a firm conclusion about John Mayer. That "Your Body Is A Wonderland" song is pretty creepy :: but I've heard a couple of others that were not so bad at all.

Anyway, my one strong impression of him is from watching him on Letterman a couple of weeks back: I was shocked at how he failed to even attempt to hide his Dave Matthews complex. His feet turned inward, his knees clucked back and forth just like Dave, his vocals mimicked Dave and his general demeanour was just unabashedly Dave-like. I mean I know a dude with an acoustic guitar and that husky yet high voice is bound to be compared to Dave Matthews, but I didn't think the guy himself would perpetuate the comparison so blatantly!

The funniest part about that appearance was that John seemed to be "rocking out" all intense and hard-as-fuck, meanwhile the song he was singing was as light and passive as a summer's breeze. Me thinks his success is leading him towards a crack-up.

Gonna be a lot of hotties at that show! ::

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Yeh, that Maroon5 song reminds me of kinda a mix of Fastball, Philosopher Kings, and even a little (kung will love this) Hall & Oates.

I can see how they fit with Mayer, but Logic seems to be the odd guy out on that bill.

Although personally I kinda like bills like that, where they mix things up. A few years ago the Amp had Wide Mouth Mason, Squeeze and Great Big Sea (!) and it was actually a really fun show.


Mr. M.

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You can describe or re-name John Mayer as Dave Matthews Light.

The only difference between the two ( other than substance ) is that Mayer plays lead guitar.

I hate that Maroon5 single. I hear it daily at work.

I could care less about DJ Logic.

This all equals a terrible bill.

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I though John Mayer's most interesting stuff was actually the stuff on his old MP3.com. There was a great version of the song "Neon" which is on the Room For Squares album, but it had him blowing these smokin' riffs on electric while another guy played the groove on acoustic - just two guitars, very cool. Unfortunately his poppy-persona has overshadowed his excellent guitar playing.

- M.

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Yes John Mayer has some Top 40 appeal.

Yes he is a pretty boy and acts like Dave sometimes.

Yes he writes catchy tunes.

Yes you will all kick yourselves that you didn't give this guy a chance when he gains some artistic control from the record co and he rocks the blues.

I loved sappy tunes like his last year when I was 10 hours away from my girlfriend and brother, somehow it helped. I had to pick up some of his stuff, and thought it was ok. Then I saw him on Austin City Limits with Buddy Guy (it was Johns show) and they traded off in a beautiful way. I have also read some reviews of some shows he did in NYC that were the same type of blues based shows. This guy fuckin rocks the poop out of Daves mouth! He plays a great variety of covers making them his own, and plays a great lead Strat. He is the real deal, a very accomplished guitarist- he is just suffering the same fate as Jack Johnson right now with the 19 something ladies screaming at the top of their lungs.

So in closing, yes a strange show. No, he is not a 'pantywaist'.


ps. Flame away, I know its coming!

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