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Me, a buddy and some long-haired guy...


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Originally posted by bouche:

[QB]That's a great pic. Is there a story to go along with the pic dude?


my friend works as the promotions director for the radio station that presented the show.

she had an extra pass for the post show meet n greet and voila!

i spoke with warren for about 2-3 minutes. i told him how a few friends and i saw the mule, abb and phil play at deer creek last year. i said "Man, how do you play like that for that long? You're the hardest working man in show biz!" he laughed and said..."You gotta love what you do, and i do."

I thanked him, shook his hand and said see ya later.

he was a true gentleman and took the time to speak to everyone in line and posed for every picture.

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Not as good as Warren, but here's me with Alvin Youngblood Hart, last year at the Silver Dollar in Toronto. The guy's huge - I'm not tall, but I'm on my tip-toes. I got to talk to him about opening for Phish and songwriting. You gotta see this guy live - a monster delta player and electric blues guitar slinger. He's keeping the blues alive for younger generations, and I told him so too!

dave02.jpg" width = "500

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Someone has to hide this thread. I cry everytime I see those 2 wooks together.........beautiful.

As for you Jaimoe, I am willing to bet you were drunk as a skunk, and babbled your face off, not allowing Alvin to get 2 words out.

I see a Canadian in your left hand [Eek!]

Did you tell him you were from Canada?

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As Booche said to every Peachhead at the New York State Fair Ground parking lot before the Allmans hit the stage in 1992: " Hi! I'm from Canada ". Don't even attempt to deny it. I have witnesses.

As for me being a little drunk whilst talking to Alvin: Guilty as charged. But he did get a few words in edge-wise, although I stuttered like Roger Daltrey circa 1964. You'd be drunk too. I had one of the best days of my life. Earlier in the evening, I met, got a picture with and talked to cult-movie superstar, Bruce Campbell ( Evil Dead movies, Spiderman etc... ). Meeting Alvin was icing on the cake.

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Picture if you will, showing up pretty late the lot, roaming around, drinking beer, when all of a sudden, Al Nish and myself watch Jaimoe walk up to a group of four girls and say

"Hi, we're from Canada"

We lost it........................I still horrifically laugh when I think of it.

Proof as to how distorted your consciousness is.

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