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i hope Kimock is in a better mood when he's here

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Someone probably had to do it that night, at least it was Kimock. Maybe whomever these putzes were learned a lesson. Hopefully the next lesson they learn is to listen.

"You know, he has a point."

"Damn right I got a point, shut the f*ck up!"

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fi if he actually "had to do it" then he could of handled it better....and not sound like a jerk about it.....

who tells a crowd to "SHUT THE FUCK UP" like that??

he should use his music to grab everyone's attention.....

i have never had a problem with excessive crowd talking at shows....unless it was a shitty opening act or a half empty bar with a shitty band.......

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from PT:

"I also heard he yelled, "this isnt a Moe show, so shut the fuck up"

I can see where he comes from, dont go to his shows if you want to be a drunk drugged up dumbass newb. If you want to hear great music you need to respect the band! Sure he shouldnt have yelled at everyone but it is pretty fucking funny imho, its great he could care less about obnoxious newbie fans. There really are some stupid fuckers out there, plus it was Univ of Denvers graduation so I'm sure many people were all sorts of fucked"

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA....... I think that's really funny! Rock stars are people too and they're allowed to get frustrated at their job just like everyone else. Obviously if you have a disrespectful audiance it's gonna piss you off. I don't think the moe. comment is THAT insulting to moe. after 12 shows in 6 years I've seen my share of tanked up losers at their shows and this includes band members! Reading about how some SKB shows put you to sleep kinda makes me think that a crowds attention has to be earned and not just handed over. I haven't seen SKB yet so I can't really comment on that though.

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fi if he actually "had to do it" then he could of handled it better....and not sound like a jerk about it.....

who tells a crowd to "SHUT THE FUCK UP" like that??

he should use his music to grab everyone's attention.....

I don't entirely agree with that, a drunk and rowdy disrespectful audiance probably wasn't gonna sober up and pay attention because of his playing or him being polite about it. There is no room for politeness and manners in rock n' roll!

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more specifically:

So when KVHW disbanded, what was your original goal with SKB?

SK: There were no specific artistic ideas about how we were going to do anything. It was more like I was asking is there a way that we can do this and keep working and not have it snatched out from under us by whatever or whomever. I’ve been playing everyday since I was a teenager, and I’m 46 years old. And here I am still trying to have a band where I really try to take care of everybody, so that everybody gets paid equally and everybody has creative input, you know? And then to do really well and then some guys would just simply not show up…

So the whole idea of doing the whole SKB thing was just some intent to continue the work, you know? And from the outside, from the audience perspective and people who read about it, only see it from a distance. I don’t think people understand just how close to the grind from month to month this shit is. This shit is really hard, it’s fucking hard, hard work. Everybody’s up your butt and down your butt constantly, and giant crazy personality and ego insanity kind of issues, and personal self interests and what the music is going to be, and its just hard to keep it going. And I’ve got responsibilities that I’ve got to take care of and a lot of people who I make sure get some money. So I’ve got to keep working and what I was doing before was I was just giving my money away to people who just kept fucking me you know? So why SKB? Just to continue the work.

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backbacon and i caught a show back in 2000 and he told off some rude fucker in the front row that night. Kimock went into one of his 5 before funk tunes (techno-ish) Rodney Holmes wicked jams and this guy yells play some 'real' music or something to that effect. Kimock proceeded to tell him to fuck off. Crowd (fans) cheered and they continued to rock out.

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i only go to shows so can get loaded, push my way to front row and yell at the band.....

often my favorite line is


If you say so.

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Well, if I had considered going to see this show, I certainly would have made up my mind by now. I don't care who you are or what's going on at the venue. Obviously you aren't good enough to make em listen.

you don't think Phish, the Dead, Dylan or any of musician hasn't come across a shitty audiance? I remember seeing Jazz Mandolin Project at the Operahouse a few years ago and you couldn't even tell there was a band on stage, everyone was talking. Does that mean Jamie Mansfield and Jon Fishman aren't good enough??? I GUESS SO ::

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when I listened to it he sounded like he was more tongue in cheek tossing out the comment to shut up... kinda joking like in a crowd interaction type way... guess you'd really have to ask him to hear what he was meaning

one way or the other I couldn't see a 15 second clip changing my mind one way or the other about a musician

got an early Dead show where Bobby freaks out telling someone climbing on a fence "its sharp at the top, get off there...pfft, you're an idiot man... what an idiot" and they launch into the next tune ragin hard (and killer)

no bigs as I see it

beats getting hit in the head with Courtney's mic stand

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