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Our Stoney Lake Vacation (edit: few more pics)


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I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I can't wait to hear some Frontier Town stories...sounds like the Slip rocked! (not surprisingly!)

As you know, we settled our last minute trip at Burleigh Island Lodge.

The weather was amazing. Sunny and midteens in the afternoon. Arrived around 8ish Friday Morning, and headed out on the water.

Tried trolling some deep divers for some Walleye, but all we found was smallies. Tried Tub Jiggin the falls, but also nothing but Rock Bass or Smallies.

Fished 'till 1, came in for a nice lunch at the Burleigh Island Cafe, then checked into our Motel Unit. A very nice room, two queen sized beds, overall a nice, quaint room.


Theresa lied down for a nap, and i went back out fishing. This was the time to get down to business...

Fished the fast water for a few more hours, with still no luck. Decided to try for some 'weed walleye', and managed to come across some bigger carp. As my curiousity peaked, i found a larger one cruising the shallows....

Tied on a white tube, tossed it a few feet from the carp, and it turned on a dime, and went right for my bait. It sucked it up (really cool watching in crystal clear water the tube getting 'sucked' off the bottom, and into his mouth).

I set the hook with everything i had, and the fight was on! A strong fight, at least 10 or so minutes...A crowd (of boats) gathered and watching me battle the beast. A boater shouted that i had a muskie on, i laughed, and said it was a carp. Most boats left before i got it in my boat. I was fishing by myself, so taking the water shot, netting, then finally boating the fish was definately a challenge.


Got one of the anglers who watched the fight to take the pic, as i was solo in the boat.


The Pic of the tube directly in its mouth (for those who thought a carp wouldn't hit a tube jig!)


The fish definately made my trip, and it was only the first day. I weighed it on the digi scale, and it marked at 30.14 pounds...I'm pretty sure its my biggest carp, but not nearly as big as my fathers 43 lbs'er from Hamilton Bay five or so years ago!

Unfortunately, that was really the only fish to speak of. We caught a few dozen more smallies, they seemed to be everywhere, and hit everything! Unfortunately nothing bigger than a pound or so. I caught a few that may have reached two, but no biggies!

Although the Walleye weren't cooperating, the scenery was magnificient!




Here's a nice shot of the 'Hawks cottage and property! Wow! I REALLY wanted to see if he was home, as i've always been a BIG BIG fan, but i resisted the temptation.


think Theresa had a really good time. She caught her biggest bass of her life, although only a pound and a half, it hit pretty hard. This fish here, her first of the trip, was classic! A largie found in the rapids, on a worm harness...


We went out this morning, after we checked out, but more or less just for a boat ride...we cruised the whole lake, both sides of the narrows, and clear lake. I can't believe i accessed pretty much teh whole lake, actually both lakes, stoney and clear, within three or four hours....


The only downside to the trip was when i docked the boat friday night, i noticed it wasn't shooting water like it should be. Woke up early Saturday, and tried to clear/clean the line...but no dice. Brought it to Holton (sp) Service Center, up the street on 28, and they were able to solve the problem.

Water Pump. 151 dollars later, i was rocking...Kinda sucked that my only full day was cut majorly short, but we were able to be back on the water and fishing by 4:30 the same day...

I think i got taken to the cleaners by paying 150 for a new water pump installed. I figured he knew he had me by the ropes...Hopefully i didn't pay too much more than what i would have in the city...

The entertainment Saturday night was fantastic! A three piece band, consisting of an incredibly talented Guitarist, even more talented Stand Up Bassist, and a competant Drummer. They played Standards all night, and a few of their own songs.

It was really nice listening to the tunes, watching the hockey game, drinking a cold beer, and enjoying a fabulous meal! You guys weren't joking...the resteraunt was really, really good! The cafe was nice. Everything about the place was great.

They didn't charge me for my electric boat slip...i think they felt bad for my water pump dying on my only full day! I'm glad it didn't happen on the other side of the lake though!

I'll definately be making another trip to Stoney...gotta find some bigger bass, i know they are in there! The walleye fishing was really, really tough. Talked to some locals who have stayed at the lodge and fished the lake for over 25 years, and said the last five years have been really tough for walleye, but the bass is improving. Good for me, bad for tourism.

Surprisingly, the lodge owner commented, he wished bass season opened May 1st, so the Americans would come up here to fish the spawn, as no americans ever come for the Walleye fishing anymore...

Either way, i told him i'd be back!


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s'tube, i love getting real stoned and reading your fishing stories... and i love that you post the pics to put the proof in the pudding... and i love taking things completely out of context...

"really cool watching in crystal clear water the tube getting 'sucked' off the bottom, and into his mouth"

is your fly down in that pic? ::

sounds like an awesome weekend, dude... relaxing, doin things ya love... glad you had a great time.


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